My biggest gripe with the bible!

by thedepressedsoul 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • prologos

    But they want the R&F believe it is the infallable word of god. example: daily text comment for Saturday Nov.8, 'The shake your faith' day:

    Even if the bible is a collection of books, letters written by men, god proofread it. or " "may then proofread it".

    My biggest gripe: why was it not put in the fiction shelfs earlier?

  • Phizzy

    Prologos said " why was it not put in the fiction shelfs earlier". ?

    I think it is a matter of Evolution. Mankind has gone through several Periods where the brain has evolved to what at the time was a "thinking outside the box" moment.

    For example, it is evident from archaeological findings that man gradually learned to Trade goods, but a lot of the Trader's contempories took a good while to latch onto the fact that he was using his talents to get things he needed without actually working personally to obtain those things.

    LIGHT BULB MOMENT ! But, only a few people got it, they toiled whilst the smart Traded.

    Capitalism was born, but it took a long time to be the main driver of economics.

    It is the same with Belief and Religion, those of us who have worked it out are ahead of the game, the other poor saps will catch up one day.

    But,when they do, the Bible, the Quran, and the Talmud and all of the trash that people hold as sacred now, will be on the Poor Fiction Shelf, better still, the Hardly Worth Reading shelf.

  • Island Man
    Island Man

    Now that you mention that, note this quote from this week's Watchtower study:

    "For example, the July 2009 Awake! suggests that if a classmate asks: "Why don't you believe in evolution?" you could simply reply: "Why should I believe in evolution? Scientists don't even agree on it, and they're supposed to be the experts!" - The Watchtower, September 15, 2014 page 16, par 18.

    If evolution is to be disbelieved because the experts can't agree on it - although in reality the disagreement is only on minor side issues related to specific animal species - then by the same logic shouldn't the bible also be disbelieved because theologians can't agree on its interpretation? A smart kid would easily reply to the JW shpiel above by retorting:

    "Why should I believe in the Bible? Theologians don't even agree on its interpretation, and they're supposed to be the experts! Heck, your own organization can't make up its mind on what certain passages mean because you keep changing the interpretation from decade to decade!"

  • WTWizard

    The whole book is designed to curse the whole human race and install slavery and communism on us all. The best place for this foul book is the rubbish--or, if anyone can use it as a reference of what the whole Judeo-xian system has done to destroy civilization, do so. The Quran is just about as bad--it adds how Islam has been used to enslave people and ruin civilization, while pretending to be against its parents the Judeo-xian system.

    You want global and universal communism? Then keep on supporting that foul LIE-ble and getting people to abide by it and believe in. Your psychic energy will go into generating such communism.

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