Barbara has not violated any of Ceasar's laws,
She hasn't broken any of God's laws
ah, but according THEIR own rules that go "beyond what is written" the GB are able to DF her in desparate attempt to control the vast damage to their image that they have brought upon themselves.
What self-righteous religious leaders do we know that went on to "impale" a humble one who was brave enough to show them up for what they really were back in the first century?
Is it a mere coincidence that by using the eerily similar tactics of the Pharisees, (who claimed to serve the true God) the GB are now "dealing" with those (like sister Anderson and brother Bowen) who expose their harmful policy whith regards to child abusers among other things?
Sounds familiar because it is.
Barbara you have proven to be a True Christian.
Those who would slander you will have to face He who judges all and their punishment will await them. ( 1 Pe 4:17)
Edited by - YoursChelbie on 25 June 2002 13:38:1
Edited by - YoursChelbie on 25 June 2002 13:40:46
Edited by - YoursChelbie on 25 June 2002 13:42:55
Edited by - YoursChelbie on 25 June 2002 15:16:16