I expected the streaming of such a large meeting to focus on 100 years of kingdom rule. Not a single mention. Instead more drivel about insignificant things like yoga pants. Meeting was so stupid I didn't know what to do. Many people especially those who are studying were very uncomfortable. What kids would want to be a part of this religion?
No mention of 100 years of kingdom rule at zone meeting
by kneehighmiah 11 Replies latest jw friends
don't forget that some people enjoyed these talks
That was last month.
Jehovah's chariot is careening onward!
100 years of Kingdom rule is an afterthought now. The most important thing is, don't wear tight pants!
After the centennial "celebrations" comes the clean up. Party? What party? Move on, Brothers and Sisters....
No mention of 100 years of kingdom rule at zone meeting
You don't want to remind people of the incredulous lies the WTS made to lure people in the first place to the organization do you ?,
particularly since nothing has happened as the WTS said was going to happen for over a century !!!
To work or manipulate people's emotions and to make them controlled and pliable you have to maintain that what their doing is going to save their lives
and maybe the lives of others .
You never want to create a notion that they have been serving the will and purpose of a commercialized false prophet/profit
or a bogus religious publishing house.
I hadn't thought about this point - I was too bewildered by my disgust at the reprehensible way these men took advantage of the occasion to do nothing but condenm people for minor things. Could it be we've already entered the "don't talk about 1914" phase? Ignore it until they're ready for the run-up to 2034 and eventual disapointment?
It would have been more fitting if they just ended with:
"Don't forget these important items- Send us your money and the end is just around the corner. Obey the Governing Body as if your life depends on it, because it does. Thanks, ATM's are outside the doors if you are listening at an assembly hall."
I thought it was oddly absent as well. All that hype about 100 years and then nothing.....
The way they moved on so abruptly should tell you something. It was never anything they actually had any emotion about. It was a big smokescreen and now they are done with it for the most part.
Enough celebrating the imaginary anniversary....back to the carrot/stick routine!
No mention of it at all! It's time to leave and expose.
Nathan Natas
Suavojr declared, " don't forget that some people enjoyed these talks..."
Yes, and some people eat their boogers. Did you have a point you wanted to make? Don't be shy...