Welcome GAME1914OVER!
My Breaking Point -- 11/9/14
by game1914over 45 Replies latest jw friends
Good to meet you. Loose livestock running away is a great visual.
Nathan Natas
Hey Game1914Over, I feel your pain, man, I really do. Has it occurred to you that at least some of the odiferous bullshit you smelled was coming from the SOUND SYSTEM at the hall. You can tell the difference because real bullshit smells like the circle of life and Watchtower bullshit smells like dead dogma, twice fried.
To: “game1914over”: Welcome officially to the discussion board! From your user name it is obvious that you have seen enough to realized that the WT’s 1914 teaching is totally false. A former JW, Carl Olof Jonsson, was asked by the GB to research any historical evidence to support the WT’s 607 BC/1914 CE model. What Mr. Jonsson found was irrefutable evidence that the WT had stretched the historical chronology by exactly 20 years in order to accommodate its precious 1914 chronology. He published a detailed book called “The Gentile Times Reconsidered,” which totally and absolutely blows the 1914 thing right out of the water, and reading it only re-confirmed to me that the JWs are, in fact, false prophets acting toward their own self-serving agenda.
You got a little mixed up, there, SAHS. COJ was asked by a householder in FS to prove 607 BCE as the year of Jerusalem's destruction. That's what started him off. He wrote a treatise (later became GTR) in the mid/late '70s and sent it to HQ which led to a smear campaign against him and to him eventually being disfellowshipped.
Before that, in the '60s, Ray Franz was asked by the leadership to research Bible chronology for the Aid book. He couldn't find archaeological or historical support for the 607 BCE date so wrote the Aid book articles in a way that tried to undermine the evidence for 587/6 BCE.
Welcome who e'er you be. I don't know if this'll help but it's part of my story....
Welcome game1914over,
You have discovered that the man behind the curtain is a charlatan at a young age. Don't look back. Enjoy life. The further you get from the Borg the more surreal and dysfunctional it will be to you.
According to the WTS, Satain was an angel like all the other angels. He chose to disobey God just like other angels did later. So god did not create him, he chose to become Satan, a rebellious angel. The WTS does not teach that God knows in advance what people/angels choose to become.
BTW, what is an SLA, a replacement for the DA letter, Besty.
Welcome Game1914over, I look forward to hearing more from you. Take things one day at a time and don't rush into anything. You will find that your feelings and thinking will change a lot during the next couple of years.
I decided after being out about 3 years that I still felt like they were looking over my shoulder and I was still angry about some things. I finally wrote a DA letter and it was the best thing I could have done. I got out my frustrations and told them what I thought of them. They may never read it but I wrote how I felt and I feel free now. I didn't do this the first three years for two reasons, one being I knew I needed time to heal and the second was because I did not want to play into the WTBTS hands but I knew I needed to do it for me. I also did not want my name associated with the cult and to be counted as one.
Hang in there you are in for a roller coaster ride but it does get better.
Thank you for posting after four years of lurking. Welcome to the site. Congratulations for taking the next step. Kate xx