Barbara Anderson scheduled to appear on "Chuck Morse Speaks" from 11-12 AM ET on November 11, 2014

by ABibleStudent 12 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • ABibleStudent

    I found out that Barbara Anderson is scheduled to talk on Chuck Morse Speaks from 11-12 AM ET on November 11, 2014 about the Watchtower's child abuse problems and/or SOL reform.

    To listen to podcasts for $0.99/month, click on this link Chuck Morse Speaks.

    To listen to Chuck Morse's show 'Chuck Morse Speaks" on the radio, complete an information form for the IRN USA network using this link: Station Finder | IRN USA Radio.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    ...or ask yourself, as I did, "Who the fuck is Chuck and why should I PAY to hear his show?"

  • NewYork44M

    NN: "Who the fuck is Chuck and why should I PAY to hear his show?"

    I doubt this will answer your question...

    Morse, who is known for his free-wheeling and insightful intellectual style, was named to the list of Heavy 100 Radio Talk Show Hosts by Talkers Magazine, and as the National Right to Work Committee Communicator of the Year in 2003.

    "I have developed a reputation for inviting guests who express opinions on all sides of issues. My guests have included over the years such diverse thinkers as Pat Buchanan, Jack Kemp, Pete Peterson, Caspar Weinburger, Noam Chomsky, Howard Zinn, Gloria Steinum, Alan Dershowitz and Geraldo Riviera. I thrive on vigorous political debate, the type of conversations that leave my audience with something to think about and discuss around the water cooler."

  • Phizzy

    Bumped for those who are able to listen, could someone post a resume of how it goes ?


  • zeb

    Could anyone give me a link or words as to what happened please.

  • smiddy

    I look forward to hearing this or reading a text of the show .Anyone ?


  • Juan Viejo2
    Juan Viejo2

    An edited version will be available on line during the 3rd week of November. There will be both a audio version and a video version available.


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Zeb pleaded, " Could anyone give me a link or words as to what happened please."

    I can tell you with certainty that the letter "E" occurred most frequently. I hope you find that spiritually uplifting.

  • NewYork44M

    I can tell you with certainty that the letter "E" occurred most frequently.

    What kind of demented mother would name their kid Peter Peterson. Maybe she was an "E"philia.

  • RubaDub

    ...or ask yourself, as I did, "Who the fuck is Chuck and why should I PAY to hear his show?"

    Nathan ...

    Don't get so excited.

    Chuck has a holiday deal currently available that if you prepay the podcasts for a year, you get a free "Chuck" T-shirt.

    You could wear it with pride.

    Rub a Dub

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