The above picture of Morris in tight pants NEEDS to go viral.
How can we make that happen?
by Calebs Airplane 59 Replies latest jw friends
He's even made it into a Gay News publication. Pink News,
and another article
Is Anthony Morris III gay?
Well lets use the bible: 'out of the hearts abundance the mouth speaks' well at least we know Tony has an abundance of gay thoughts in his heart and some might take it to a logical conclusion. And also we have, 'if ever the faithful slave should turn evil and start beating his fellow slave and start eating and drinking with confirmed drunkards' which leaves the possibility that even a faithful slave can turn bad and perhaps turn to something Jehovah that big gay basher in the sky hates or at the very least gets a little sad/depressed about. I'm sure Anthony is a closet gay heavily repressed because of his close
ties with we corporate gay bashing Jehovah.
2. New York, New York
If San Fran wears the big gay crown on the "left coast," the Big Apple would kindly like to point out that it was here that the Stonewall riots set off the gay-rights movement one hot summer back in 1969. The historic Stonewall Inn bar is still welcoming LGBT patrons, and it is one of countless out-and-proud hubs throughout the city. There is no rival for the glamour, the fun and the pride of America's biggest, most adventurous city.
IF not Gay, "NPG" (Non Practicing Gay-Bethel term),sexually confused, Bi-sexual, or a "Chicken Hawk" (Targets boys and young men). Not at all unusual for closeted Gays and Pedos to be married (Have "Beards"). I agree 100% with the "Worldly" posters on the Newspapers. Out of the heart........the mouth speaks. The Lady does protest too much......
Very weird how sooooooo many Governing Body members from Russel on have had sex fetishes and hang ups....almost like a pre-requisite for the job.????????
Is there any way I can UN-WATCH those pictures...Fred Franz just turned over in his grave!! I cant believe our new leader shows off his balls in tight jeans. Jehovah strike me blind!!!