I cant figure out when the auntie and uncle thing started or why. It sure is a peadophiles dream to have a kid they dont know call them uncle! They are now in a special relationship. I remember growing up seeing kids on the knees of brothers that they hardly knew at the hall and social gatherings. Now i look back and think its a bit sick.
Children calling jw adults uncle and auntie, when did that start?
by awakening 26 Replies latest jw friends
tim hooper
About 1955. CO's worked it into their Saturday night talk. It was meant to be a sign of respect for one's elders. Also, prior to that, when kids called adults by their first name when meeting in the street, onlookers would be offended that kids should show such familiarity. This is the 50's remember! You couldn't really refer to them as Mr or Mrs either. Plus, if you addressed someone as Bro or Sister so-and-so in front of non-believers you'd get some very strange looks. So the Uncle and Auntie thing was reckoned to be a good compromise all round.
I always remember doing that, but it was not at all weird, and still is not. The neighbourhood kids do it, call their friends parents Auntie and Uncle.
They call me the Old Fart.
I can only speak for customs in England. At least around sixty years ago when I was a young kid in the congregation , I was taught to call them Uncle and Auntie. It was a term of respect since i was not yet at an age where I could use the more equal term of "brother"
Nothing strange about it
It's a common cross-cultural thing where young children address friends of the family with the honorary title 'auntie' or 'uncle' - less formal than 'Mrs.' or 'Mr.' (or 'Sister' and 'Brother') but still more respectful than just calling them by their first names.
I've noticed that in my congregation. This usually happens when the child hangs out a lot with that particular adult.
I dont have a problem with that.
It shows respect. And children do form a bond with older ones in the cong that is like a family tie.
To imply that it is somehow a "peadophiles dream" is going too far 'awakening'...
I really hated having to do this as a child growing up .. Why was I forced to call people Aunty and Uncle when they were not related to me ? It felt so wrong and I had no affection for these people. It made a shy child even more quiet as I resented addressing these people. Not something I ever did with my child.
St George of England
It's all about respect. I don't really like it when I walk in the KH and a four year old says "Hi George".
When I grew up in the 50's it was the custom to call parents friends "auntie" or "uncle", not just limited to JW's.
George (old & grumpy)