I wish he could see this. Scrooge McDuck looking idiot.
How ironic tight pants Tony won't shut up while no show Loschey Dosnt want to say anything.
by joe134cd 15 Replies latest jw friends
Island Man
" and Losch is famous for sunbathing in a speedo on the roof of 124 Columbia Heights."
OMG, that's it! That's why Tight Pants Tony has his negative fixation on spanx and tight pants! Tony probably hates Losch's guts for some reason but he don't dare openly express it. So his repressed hatred for Losch comes out in the form of hating on anything that subconsciously reminds him of Losch or his antiques, such as sunbathing in speedo's - thus Tony's negative fixation with tight pants and spanx.
"Gulp down the camel:Hiding pedophiles in the congregation"- Blondie
Insightful comment, Blondie.
"In the same way, ON THE OUTSIDE (caps mine) you appear righteous to men (by your grooming and style of dress), but inside you are full of hypocrisy (hiding pedophiles ) and lawlessness (refusing to cooperate with Caesar's court and police system in dealing with pedophiles) MATTHEW 23:28 NWT 2013 revised
Awesome Picture!
Love it!
Strain out the gnat: Tight pants, yoga pants, spanx, colorful socks
Gulp down the camel: Hiding pedophiles in the congregation
Aruguably the BEST comment of 2014.
Strain out the gnat: Tight pants, yoga pants, spanx, colorful socks
Gulp down the camel: Hiding pedophiles in the congregation
If WT would just put on tight pants like ToMo in Watchtower-Free's pic, they wouldn't be able to hide their pedophiles...