Ponder, contemplate, discuss. This is a public service announcement. https://www.facebook.com/AriannaHuffington/photos/a.158003868278.115593.17893008278/10152529838228279/?type=1&theater
A lesson on bitterness
by FlyingHighNow 12 Replies latest jw friends
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I've pondered my bitterness, contemplated my next move, attempted to discuss it with my spouse. Didn't go over so well.Link +1 / -0 -
Have you been able to leave your bitterness behind, though?
Over coming bitterness is helpful in that it helps you and shows love for others, even if they do not return that love. -
It's just a link. The meme wasn't there when I posted. Maybe you edited your post after me?
Anyway, I have little bitterness toward the organization anymore. I'm mostly past that stage. I'm in the "acceptance" stage. Thus, I've contemplated my next move (OUT of the organization.) And discussed that with my spouse. As I explained to my spouse: the organization is just background noise to me.
I'm glad that you are moving out of the org. It's not a small or easy thing to do. How is your spouse taking it? -
Sine the Nelson Mandela quote was not visible at the beginning of this thread, I made another topic with the meme. Please comment on it here:
http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/topic/284800002/this-time-visible-meme-ponder-contemplate-discuss-this-public-service-announcement -
I agree that living a life of bitterness, anger and regret is a profound waste but that's not to say that those qualities are always negative or even that they cannot have a positive impact.
Justified anger can be a tremendous motivator. I'm not sure I buy into all this 'let go of your anger stuff', it's a vital part of the human condition.
Combined with sweet varieties, bitter apples make the best cider.
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