So, my wife and I purchased a house about a month ago and recently we met our new neighbors. They are an older couple. They are very nice and even brought us cookies.
In conversation they brought up that they were Mormons and mentioned how much they loved it. We mentioned how we used to be JW but now we are nothing. I did not tell them that I was an Atheist because we did not get that far.
Anyway, yesterday the wife came by with the cookies and invited us to eat on Sunday. We accepted the invitation. It was after saying yes that she went on again about the Mormon faith and mentioned that some "sisters" were going to come over. She went on and on about how they come almost everyday to visit since she has been sick and how when they were baptists the chruch members rarely came to visit yada yada yada.
After she left my wife and I knew that this was possibly a recruitment meal that we agreed to attend. Im kind of worried since I really do not want to get into religion (who wants to).
My question is, if they bring it up, would it be rude to say "I really dont want to talk about it" since we are at their house?