i have a theory about the long term doctrine of wt!

by purrpurr 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • purrpurr

    I can see no reason why the GB would want to loosen their grip on their cash cow/ cushy life. But what will they do in 20,30,50 years? Well I suspect that at some point they will claim that the promised paradise is already here but that it has come in spirtual form. That it's not going to come in earthly form just spiritual form. The old scriptures about the lion lamb etc they can just twist into being symbolic of something of course. Then all they have to do is erase the privous old light and claim that anyone who said the paradise would be earthly were going ahead of the chariot ( 1975 style).

    What do you think? They will have to think up something eventually. And let's face it the GB could tell them to take a running jump off the nearest high building and the faithful would do it. But I don't believe that they would risk their cash flow like that.

  • sir82

    Well I suspect that at some point they will claim that the promised paradise is already here but that it has come in spirtual form.

    They already do that now ("spiritual paradise"). Look it up on the WT-CD.

  • OneEyedJoe

    Personally, I suspect they'll just keep kicking the can down the road with new definitions of "generation" and new start points for the generation. If the paradise is already here, people won't be motivated to preach about it's coming and they won't have the imminent threat of armageddon to keep 'em active if it's already come.

    Even if you're thinking they'll switch to saying everyone goes to heaven (which I can't see happening, but who knows) people will slow down. If you have to die to get to paradise/heaven, then that means you should plan for a long life in this system, which means working, saving for retirement, education, etc - all these things will make people slightly more likely to wake up and leave the cult.

    Though, I will admit, they have been saying that we live in a "spiritual paradise" for a while - when we're close to the congregation

  • Londo111

    They admit that there is a fulfillment that refers in symbolic terms to the return of the Exiles from Babylon—and that interpretation I agree with.

    Of course, they then proceed to have a second and third fulfillments. For instance, symbolic/spiritual interpretation referring to the “spiritual paradise” since 1919. And then a future, literal fulfillment to come.

    Now they are backing off types/antitypes, I don’t know how they would stretch the fulfillment of this to either 1919 or the future. But that’s never stopped them before.

  • stuckinarut2

    But the convention this year had that pathetic demonstration with young ones sitting around talking about what they look forward to in the "new system"....

    The point was they are trying to make the average witness talk about it like its a definate reality...to keep it close in mind etc...

    So, I dont think they will abandon the idea of a literal earthly paradise....

  • Crazyguy

    Lets not forget Rutherford already did something similar saying the end did come.

  • sloppyjoe2

    They will always use the return of Jesus and paradise. Every other religion does, so why can't they? They really don't have to worry about anything. JWs are so easily tricked with the light gets brighter concept that they really can tell them whatever they want. They can introduce anything and cite very vague scriptures to support it. In any case they have an easy 20 years ahead of collecting money with no problems until 2034. By then someone will have come up with something creative to do. They always need the end to be imminent. Old people die off and new people come along. The new people don't really think about how long the old people were around and the cycle just continues.


    Good point SloppyJoe! Ol' Loesch and TOMO are trying to hide out for 20 years and avoid the courts. Once they are dead, it's Sanderson and Co's problem.


  • joe134cd

    I think they will eventually be forced to drop the 144k and 1914. Just how the will spin it and what the effects will be I guess time will tell

  • steve2

    160 years ago, Chuck Russell was on the cusp of his end-times lather than he whipped up to a fire-proof froth in 1914 - and the lather's been laid on thick and fast ever since. And he's been joined by millions. And that's just one relatively small religious story of the power of collective delusions.

    We should never ever under-estimate the crazy-minded elastic creativity of people determined they and they alone are right and all others wrong.

    The survivability of the organization does not require logic or reason. it requires confident market branding. That said, the heyday of the organization is well past. It won't disappear but it will be - in fact, already has been - overtaken by other trends in religiosity.

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