In reference to ridicule being used to deflate the message of hate groups:
by compound complex 12 Replies latest watchtower scandals
In reference to ridicule being used to deflate the message of hate groups:
Lol coco...thanks I needed that.
I've seen some pretty good signs mocking the Westboro church.
Thank you both, MissFit and Spectre, for commenting.
I'm glad that some JWs can laugh at their higher ups.
Coco, I used to be offended when I first was on this site by the way posters would alter JW buzz words or even *gasp* Jehovah's name (Jokehova ). The truth- troof, the Org.-the Borg.
Using ridicule can make a point in a nonviolent way, but it can also harden ones' s resolve if you were raised to embrace a persecution complex.
As I continued to visit this sight I realized that the posters were taking away the power and authority the "JW "buzz words represented . I thought twice before I used the same words that used to trip off my tongue.
it's amazing the difference when you change field service to field circus, meetings to boasting sessions ect.
Changing words and highlighting the absurdity can open eyes.
Changing words and highlighting the absurdity can open eyes.
Thanks again, MissFit. I agree with your well-made points. !
Likewise, I have been offended by particular debasing terms, especially those that denigrate God. Despite my present confusion over the nature and personality of deity, still, I cannot "take the name of God in vain." Nonetheless, unworthy men who set themselves up as mouthpieces for God need to be taken down a notch or two . . . or three. . . .
I agree, don't get mad get funny. That's my motto.
After South Park or some other show does a mormon, etc. spoof, I see people here wanting the same to be done to the JWs. But can you imagine what a boring episode that would be? They usually only get a 5 second remark about them being a doomsday cult or something (I still want the WT that looked like the one that Family Guy 1st used of the nuke mushroom cloud).
I'm always glad whenever they themselves bring on the ridicule. It's a win-win situation for us. We don't look like raving lunatics and they bring that crap upon themselves.
Speaking of which, I miss Sparlock.
Great thread Co-co. Humor is a great leveller, with well-aimed ridicule, unbeatable.
For example, I've viewed the videos by katiekitten who eviscerates the pomposity of the organization with a torrent of wicked one-liners.
In any other setting, she would be a superb stand-up commedienne and illustrates your thread nicely.
Coco, loved this link!
MissFit, great points.
I, too, originally had a difficult time navigating through many of the posts as they appeared to be offensive...but it was only because I was still just baby steps out of the bOrg. While I don't always agree with the terms, I now find that I have a difficult time actually using jw-speak as it somehow gives it power.
Thanks for the post!