Overlap what???

by dugout 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • A.proclaimer

    A lot of members won't really know or be able to explain the overlap because it's simply never mentioned at the meetings. This new teaching was introduced once in 2010 and brought up recently just a few months ago in one article and in the new history book. Nobody ever talks about it or bothers to look deeper into it because it no longer holds the same importance it once did years ago. The generation of 1914 was a very important teaching in the past, and for members who lived during that period before 1995 when it was changed. When you look at old publications, it was talked about in beginner study books, watchtower/ awake articles, etc. but for newer generations it's hardly ever mentioned. And any new members or new recent born-ins will simply never know what the Generation of 1914 once meant unless they investigate and look into the past, or come across some website. As for the older ones, they probably will just accept the new explanation because it comes from the FDS or because they long forgot about that teaching since they stopped hearing about it.

  • stuckinarut2

    Great point A.proclaimer!

    Most witnesses have only come into the org within the last 25 years or so...which means that they are not familiar with older teachings.

    Therefore, the longer time goes on, the easier it is for the org to ignore or eliminate its past stupid teachings!

    Soon no witness ever will have heard about "millions now living will never die" etc....but they will all know about "Sofia and Caleb"!

  • prologos

    Hamsterbait, interesting argument by wt writers, that you mentioned.

    Exodus 1:6 : "Eventually Joseph died, and also all his brothers AND all that generation*"

    Ex 3:15: --generation after generation--

    20:5,6 --3rd and 4st generation, --1000st generation-- fathers upon sons

    34:7 the third and fourth generation,-- fathers, sons and grandsons

    *"--all THAT generation--" in Exodus 1:6 must have included the Egyptions that gave fair treatments to the Israelites, and the following generation changed that. CONTEXT.

    the whole book of Exodus does not allow overlap but has distinct boundries for generations. li

    Living concurrently yes, overlap no.

  • prologos

    According to Exodus, Jacob's sons:

    sons, fathers, grandsons may live together, their lives could partially overlap even, but they are NOT ONE GENERATION.

    The grandfathers are one generation, fathers another generation, sons a further, third generation. 34:7.

  • TheFadingAlbatros

    The GB has done a lapsus linguae when using the expession "Overlapping Generation".

    Lapsus linguae is common in specialist literature.

    Instead the GB should have used the expression "Over Licking Generation".

    The following link will make for every one clear what the GB was really intending to explain. Please just click on it :


  • cha ching
    cha ching

    Perfect logic respectful observer!! Too funny! I would love to be there to see the look on their face!

    If you hear a JW express confusion/lack of understanding of how you can scripturally support multiple generations actually being 1 (overlapping) generation, you could always say:

    "It's really quite simple...although they are seperate generations from a human perspective, from a Bible perspective, they are 1. Sort of like when Jesus said: 'I and the Father are one.'...seperate from a human perspective, but a single being from...oh wait, that's the Trinity! Nevermind! The using that logic to defend the Trinity Doctrine never made any sense!"

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