It seems to me that you must be almost perfect to be a " Servant" in the Organization today. No college, no spiritually weak in the family, no disfellowshipped living at home, no tight pants, etc......Who can live up to their lofty ideals?
Since Elders And Mini Servants Have To Be Exemplary How Does Anyone Ever Qualify?
by minimus 16 Replies latest jw friends
It all has to do with what is considered "exemplary". As a former elder Min you must know what I am referring to, and it varies from congregation to congregation. By the way this only applies to Joe Schmo brothers. Once you are a pioneer or even better a Bethelite you are automatically exemplary and nothing can change that as long as you remain with those privleges. Pioneer and Bethelite brothers know more than publishers, they are automatically more spiritual, and immediately qualify for any other and all appointments.
And they are complaining that brothers are not "reaching out!" How stupid is that???
apparently anyone can, yet no one can. lol.
years ago my husband [not a jw anymore] was given ms title,
believe me, they had no clue what he was doing at home and on the weekends, but I did. and so did my kids.
how about working overtime , and on weekends, drinking and taking off on his motorcycle till dark.
leaving me and the kids to entertain ourselves.
they did not kow us from adam. they did not care to. we were 'trailer trash' anyway,
my husband was in no way qualified, they just felt they had to 'reward' him for getting baptised so they gave him that title
and let him hand out territories. whoop de do. my husband never once offered help for anything. he waited to be asked.
they never asked him to do anything accept cut grass and maybe read at the book study or wt lesson.
not even a number 4 talk was he asked to do.
as soon as our teen daughter got in to trouble, which was only about 6 months later, despite many cries for help prior to the problem,
they told him he cant be ms and that was that.
a year later he never went back.
so the claim that the holy spirit helps elders is a crock of crap. maybe it depends on who wants it bad enough and who gives the most effort.
OR if they need people desperately.
as it turned out, years later, after we have moved on, i find out that three of the elders that appointed my husband ms. were told to step down, why? drinking.
Vi think its a lot tougher on these guys than ever before.
Here are the "real" requirements to be appointed, in order from most important to least:
1) Are you & your family averaging 10+ hours per month in field service?
2) Are you "visible" in the congregation, i.e., attend meetings, answer at meetings, give talks?
3) Do you conduct a family study?
4) Is your family avoiding causing embarrassment to the organization?
5) Are you at least 5 years removed from any judicial action (DF or reproof)?
That's pretty much it. 5 "Yes" and you're in.
It's telling that even with such flimsy standards, most guys can't be arsed to even bother trying.
exemplary?..really?...then how did some of the ones I've known ever qualify...oops.
I bet being a "basic pioneer" will be the new requirement.
So dependent on the congregation. I got smashed at a party, made somewhat of a fool of myself, and had to talk to the elders about it. I was appointed 3 months later. I think the elders liked me. on the other hand I have seen way more sincere dubs be exemplary for years and not get appointed.
Separation of Powers
Its like a kickball game in grammar school. The popular kids pick the other popular kids and the rest go play tetherball.