Although this was never a written in my congregation, as a MS I was expected to take the group out in service on a scheduled rotation. All other elders and servants were in the rotation. We were also told that in addition to the schedule, we had to set the example in being exemplary in field service by supporting Sunday field service. It was inferred that we were supposed to support the arrangement a couple of times each month, even if only meeting for field service and stopping by a gas station on the way home to get a few minutes with the family. It seemed like it was more for show. On the few times that I did support it, everyone already had their groups of two or gas station they wanted to stop by with their family.
New requirement to become an Elder or Ministerial Servant!
by hardtobeme 40 Replies latest jw friends
When I served on the BOE it was required to "be visible in the field service." This was interpreted as you had to support Saturday field service. COs came and went who pushed Sundays, basically we just ignored them. I might ad that this was also pushed on the Regular Pioneers.
This worked in my favor when I stepped aside. One of the reasons I used since I had to work on Saturdays.
Some elders and CO's make up their own rules.
Separation of Powers
Personal position of the CO....there is NO new directive
There are written rules in this organization and unwritten rules in organization…kind of an “oral law” as it were. For instance, nowhere is it written that JWs should not have beards.
When the elders evaluate the pool of males for appointment, they might split hairs. Do they go out at least one Sunday a month? How many return visits do they report? Some elder bodies can be quite fickle. It is one of the most judgmental organizations on earth, after all.
I’ve known of people who do everything “right”, even exceed the written rules, and the elders pass on them because they don’t make enough return visits or because their enrollment in “higher education” was an “inconvenience” to them.
Forgot about this: Appointment of MS & elders now begins & ends with the CO. No need to send in the nomination to Bethel for "approval".
So, lots of room for COs to apply their own personal whims & fancies to the process.
For one CO, Sunday service is a "must", but for another it is not. For one, it will be the number of return visits on the field service report, for someone else it will be how often the guy's wife comments at meetings, for yet another one, whehter the guy takes off work to go out in service during the CO visit.
There are 600+ COs in the US, there will be 600+ personal whims & fancies that determine who gets in & who doesn't.
Basically these unwritten rules are in place to discover which male members of the congregation lack self esteem and can be used(abused) in a position of trust within the corporation.
LOL...... cult.
Separation of Powers
Just to make sure you know this, every CO is now an autonomous entity. He is in charge of appointing and deleting. Please him and you will go far. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. These kind of rules will become commonplace. If you wish to be a servant or elder, you better ask for the new rule book BEFORE he shows up. Oh, there isn't one? Well, you no what that means....when there is no rule book....YOU SHOULDN'T PLAY THE GAME!
I heard from a relative (MS) who lives in Wales (UK) that in this round of CO visits they are pushing Sunday ministry. CO is in my cong next week and I will see if it filters through to us rank and file. I'll ask one of the Mini series that I get on with if it is brought up at their Friday meeting - is it still Fridays now the CO only has to turn up for two meetings instead of three?