I have noticed with "Apostates/exjws" they always resort to "Watchtower-bashing" whenever you show them inconsistencies of the bible. We could be talking about contradictions, such as Where did Cain get his wife if Adam,Eve, Abel, and Cain were the only ones on earth? The usual answer when they cannot answer will be "Well the WT gave false prophecies in 1975". My question has nothing to do with the WT but the bible. I have even heard some apostates say "I don't care if the Bible contradicts itself the WT are false prophets". I don't get it why do Apostates/exjws always blame everything from the price of tea in China on the WT? Born Again Christians do the same exact thing when they cannot answer questions about the inconsistencies of the Bible but they will add the Mormons and JWs are false prophets in their answers. I agree with a poster who said "you can take the person out of the Watchtower, but you can't take the Watchtower out of the person". This is so true because apostates/exjws are so angry with the WT that everything they do or say is WT-centered.
Why do "Apostates/exjws" always go into "Watchtower-bashing" when you show them inconsistencies in the Bible?
by booker-t 29 Replies latest watchtower bible
nonsense. I do not care about WT publication as I am out for 20 years. I see much more nonsense with Christianity that utterly twisted meaning of OT for their religious beliefs. Anyone who studies Old Testament with a Jewish point of view will see how stupid, primitive, and lying Christianity is. I do not need to point out to inconsistency of the bible with finger pointing toward WT and JW organization nor associating other extreme, evangelical groups. Christianity itself is irrational belief system that would anyone with critical thinking skill reconsider its theology. Where to start? God paying debt to himself, original sin, God self-sacrificing one part or His son to salvation, Devil, Armageddon, Revelation, Virgin mother, 12 dudes and Messiah.... There are just too much problem with NT when it is analyzed by the Judaism that it cannot be ever reconciled with the OT.
Well, how many have you actually sat down and spoken with. You say ex jw always just start bashing the watchtower when discussing the bible. You cant say they all do because i doubt you have spoken to that many to throw them all in there like that. But you have to understand that some are angry at that organization for their lies and treatment of people. But we can discuss the bible anytime without even bringing up the wt.
Booker: I am puzzled by your question.
When you say most exJW's or apostates do you mean most Christian exJW's or apostates?
Because I know many here would have replyed " the stuff is made up or a fantasy story".
Then they might blast the watchtower or religion in general for insisting on taking the bible literally.
So I think you should clarify your OP.
*scratches head*
edit: Lol :Just Me, you beat me to it. What Just Me just said.
Julia Orwell
I can answer why there are inconsistencies in the Bible without mentioning anything about my former religion, the one I am apparently not allowed to mention when I comment, as per the op. The answer is: the bible is inconsistent because it is a compilation of different writings across time, genre, socio-historic contexts and belief systems from a period of around 800 years. It is all over the place because it's not a well-written novel but a collection of works by many disparate people.
Emotions, ranging from anger to contempt, are expected when someone "loses their religion" so to speak. I don't think it's fair to say everyone does it, or to throw the apostate label around...but when a topic comes up that reminds someone of a time of stress and unhappiness, in some cases family was lost, business, jobs, etc. Therefore, in a nutshell, emotions.
I think because that for most of us, it's our religious frame of reference and we can identify with how easy it is to believe outrageous things that have no basis in fact. Also because it's an ex-JW site so we can use language that other ex-JW's will understand, which we can't do with the average person we come into contact with should a similar topic come up for conversation.
julia o is correct. you might wish to read a book or two by bart ehrman as well.
as far as im concerned, all religion is in opposition to the creator.
Do Apostates/exjws" ALWAYS go into "Watchtower-bashing" when you show them inconsistencies in the Bible?
Why do poor communicators ALWAYS use Universal statements/questions that are actually expressions that generalize a person’s character or behavior in a negative way?
As was pointed out to me recently,
this is an exjw forum, hence conversation is JW/WT centric