just wanted to introduce myself

by TheMark 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • TheMark

    Hi all,

    I've been a lurker for quite some time and enjoy the forum. I've reached a point in life where I don't argue ideologies anymore so I don't have much to say. I've been out for decades and believe I've been mostly de-cultabilized (if that's even a word).

    My family is still in and I haven't had contact with them in years. What's the point really.

    So I might chime in here and there.

    But man, that religion sure has changed over the years. Sometimes, when I meet some of them, I'm always amazed that most are still blindfolded and refuse to accept the truth or even have a decent conversation. There's so much information out there. Don't these people read?

    Anyway, just wanted to say hi. -- Mark

  • cultBgone

    Welcome, Mark! Great to have another voice on the board.

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    Welcome, the cult is a mind sucking parasite that's for sure.

  • hardtobeme


    Nice to have you here....

  • cofty

    Hi TheMark welcome.

  • happy@last

    Welcome Mark

  • whathappened

    Welcome to JWN!

  • Tenacious

    @ TheMark

    Before 1997 one had to pay for information on anything and everything. Today, the continued proliferation of the internet will undoubtedly remove the mask from many current JW members worldwide. The rub here is they have to be able to discern and research the information to teachings currently and previously promoted by the organization.

    So many JW's will not allow themselves to critically think or analyze anything that may cause cognitive dissonance. It's just too uncomfortable a position and once exposed to such adverse (or should I say factually-correct) information, they shut down. It's quite normal for an individual who has been indoctrinated for some years to react this way. It reminds me of the 'throw-away assassin' whom are used worldwide. They would rather or gladly take the bullet than go against their programming.

  • OrphanCrow

    de-cultabilized (if that's even a word)

    Well, I guess you just made it a word! Lol!

    But that's okay...you are now in 'cult-land' and made up words are acceptable in this world.

    I have been out for decades as well and yes, the JW religion has certainly changed - however, the bottom line is the same - hook 'em in and take da money. But it still will sometimes amaze me that with all the information out there, some people will choose such a bad source for their information.

    Ah, well, there will always be those who just can't help it. It is the same dynamics at play as happens in abusive domestic situations - too much invested to let go compounded by the psychopathic nature of the organization itself. Classic Stockholm Syndrome. It really isn't the victim's fault - it happens in the 'outside' world as well with many different types of relationships.


  • Oubliette

    Welcome Mark!

    You're sure right about how much the religion has changed over the years. I hardly recognize it.

    If anyone is an "apostate," it's the WT leadership. Each new regime has successively apostatized from the previous one.

    Let's review: It's a cult!


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