Fibroids UK.

by quellycatface 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • quellycatface

    I have just had a radiology appt where I was told I had fibroids. Great.

    I had a Mirena coil fitted 2 months ago to control heavy and prolonged periods, suffering for about 14 months.

    I wonder what my GP will suggest now??

    I'm gutted.

    Thanks for listening. X

  • LisaRose

    I'm sorry you aren't feeling well, I know how demoralizing that can be. I would think they will want to do a hysterectomy, especially if you are through having children, that will probably take care of both issues.

  • ShirleyW

    Some Dr.s always recommend hysterectomy for women for fibroids, which should not to your first step in treating them. As I've heard some Dr's acknowledge on TV and articles, you obviously notice the word hysterical is partly there. WHich is the way Dr. used to think and some still do when a women complains about symptoms

    It depends on how many and how big the fibroids are, there are many options, I have them and live with it, no problem (for me)

  • NeverKnew

    Look to see if a uterine embolization is possible. Totally worth it.

  • AlwaysBusy

    My daughter has fibroids and has lived with them for 10 years, my sister had fibroids and had a hysterectomy. I hope you will be feeling better soon, it's not fun having 'female' health problems.

  • talesin

    Well, now that you know the cause of the problems, you can work with your doctor to find your best options. Perhaps a referral to a OBGYN is in order. That would certainly be my choice. My GP has always sent me to a Gynecologist, because of my younger uterine cancer problem. It's good to get things checked by a specialist.

    All the best!


  • joyfulfader

    I can sympathize. I had to have iron infusions every few months and eventually had the robotic davinci hysterectomy. Itty bitty scar. Minimal downtime...1-2 weeks believe it or not. I still PMS lol...kept those parts so no hormonal issues but I feel alive now instead of always running on empty. Pure misery with blood counts at 7-8. Only a qualified GYN should help you decide. This was the road I personally chose after 2 yrs of suffering since I was ok with the idea of not having more kids. I did not go with the ablation because I would have to be on birth control since there is still a tiny chance of getting pregnant (not good without a uterine lining) and it is not always fully successful. My personal choice. Questions to ask. Be informed and decide what is best for YOUR health. Everyone has a different situation. Good luck!!! I truly hope you get it all figured out soon! :smile: Feel free to PM me if u have any questions about my experience.

  • cult classic
    cult classic

    The Hysterectomy Hoax - Stanley West

    ^Discusses treatment options and the importance of being treated by a competent doctor.

    Good luck! It's a very common issue.

  • sowhatnow

    i had a hysterectomy at age 35 and was left with one good ovary, it was odd, for the first time in my life since age 13,

    i had no discharge, and no lower back pain.

    no more periods, no more endometreosis pain, no more bloating,

    no more wearing panty liners, no more cramps, and nearly no chance of ovarian cancer. since i have only one.

    it was the best thing i ever done and wish id have had it done ten years earlier.

    my daughter age 32 had a total hysterectomy, she had endometreosis worse than i , her doctor wanted to put her on medication to shrink the endo, that would have cost her 100 dollars a week. well there was no way she was affording that, so she told her dr to take it all out.

    shes not on any hormone replacement pills . she just took natural supliments while her body went through a quick menopause.

    [were against meds pretty much]

    and shes fine. shes not sick, moody, or overweight. so its something to think about. i figure if your done having kids,

    why mess with doctors, and for us here in the us, huge doctor bills, and pain all the time.

  • quellycatface

    Hi guys. Thanks so much for your replies and support. I am being referred to a gynaecologist.Will keep you posted on progress.


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