MissFit, we used to have big skating parties, that was good times. I know what you mean.
Birthday party envy maybe?
by sparrowdown 17 Replies latest jw friends
Oh the skating parties!!. My congergation was in a small town that didnt have a skating rink. We would travel to the next town about 45 minutes away through winding narrow roads ( before they made it a 4 lane highway.)
We would make arrangements with the kids down there and get a group of us together from both congergations.
Remember the disco ball and girl's choice?
I really think the society really messed up when they started discouraging get togethers . Those social bonds can be strong if you can nourish them.
Our congergation would have get togethers just because.
Now they have to manufacture an excuse.
edit to add: There doesnt seem to be the same closeness anymore. People are more distant with eachother.
You are only expected to be social before & after the meeting and out in service.
Everyone tries to compensate somehow when they're lacking...
In Southern California we had the most disgustingly elaborate celebrations. Weddings, anniversaries, graduations and baptisms topped the list. I'm talking DJ's, slide shows, videos celebrating the person, catering, etc. I once showed up at an anniversary party where everyone was wearing tuxedos and evening gowns. GAG! What the hell is the difference between that and a birthday party.
One of my ex rich friends threw the biggest witness anniversary party known to man! They hired a very well known band for $10000, hired a hawaiian dance troupe for $5000, rented a center they use for sports here for about $5000, catered really good food w/ champagne $8000 and so many other things. He said at the end of it all he spent over $35,000.
Of course since he is rich the place was filled with elders and even the CO! One thing I remember is that the servers were hired and they were dressed as angels. He claimed he didnt know they would be dressed that way but he knew, that is just what he told everyone.
I learned right then and there is money=you can do whatever you want even in the JW world.
Simple eye indeed.
Oh the hypocrasy!
The skating parties were on a lake, at the 'cottage'/home of a wealthier JW. Every winter, the big blowout, and you'd get to see friends you only normally saw at conventions! We used to rent rinks for hockey as well (they had a JW hockey pickup game every Sunday nite). It was considered good to keep the young people happy with *some* socialization.
Wow, how sad the kids' lives must be now, with even less fun. I can see "youth groups" and "camps" in the future - how else to keep the teens?
talesin - "It was considered good to keep the young people happy with *some* socialization."
I remember those days.
Putting the kibosh on those kind of things goes a long way towards explaining the WTS's shitty retention rate, IMO.