any types/anti-types in there? David Splane.
Seven Shepherds Eight Dukes
by Ish Elon 14 Replies latest watchtower bible
Very good Sappy
Absolute tosh Ish............non of what you wrote is gonna cause me sleepless nights. Sorry.
Separation of Powers
@Ish Elon
If your belief that the GB is approved by God is based on some obscure text that must be read and reread to try to excise some form of understanding, then the God that you worship is not logical or rational. If God exists and he has chosen a group to represent him, then that group would not have to try to "interpret" scripture to identify it as such. Jesus said "by their fruits" you will recognize those that are approved by God. He NEVER said that about those that lead, simply those that follow him. Once again, the ORG and its writing committee are demonstrating how devoid they are of real depth of understanding. Like JF Rutherford, they are taking insignificant passages that obviously refer to something that an ancient society would understand and trying to make application to a modern-day scenario. "Shepherds and Dukes" have absolutely no bearing on your salvation (that is, if you believe in anything Jesus said about Christianity).