You get nothing by going door to door with this message. Even back in the late 1980s, the peak of this work, you were doing "well" to get 6 people into the cancer in a 4-6 year period. To do that, you needed to give up virtually everything, waste all day every day going to every door, and not take no for an answer. You needed to follow through diligently no matter what. And that was before the Internet, where virtually everyone could research the topic in seconds.
Not only that, but out of those 6 people you do manage to get into the cancer, how many stay in? If they stay in a while but ultimately leave, that time is ultimately wasted. According to their theology, such person is damned. Had they been left alone, they would have had a chance. This means the time is wasted even on those who remain in the cancer. And worse so, since according to their theology, even remaining in the cancer is no good unless you do all you absolutely can. (Reasonable is not in joke-hova's vocabulary except to lure people in.) You auxiliary pious-sneered one month, why didn't you auxiliary pious-sneer all the time? You regular pious-sneered, you got your time in before June, why didn't you keep up that pace through August? You auxiliary pious-sneered for the Dirty Thirty, why not fifty? You got your time in by the 18th of the month, why didn't you just keep going until the end of the month?
Or, obeying the rules? So you claim to hate Led Zeppelin. Your co-worker had that radio that always seemed to play Led Zeppelin, or a tape deck (back in the days when tape was common), and you didn't destroy it. The co-worker had that tape of Led Zeppelin IV, and played that tape--why didn't you take a magnet to that tape to ruin it or ruin the recorder? Never mind that doing so is a violation of others' rights. You had the example of the Israelites moving into Canaan, did they care about the Canaanites' rights? Those who did were condemned. Or, did you go to that mission when asked to? You were too poor--did you sell out so you could go? Had you just been left alone, these wouldn't have been issues. But, because some jokehovian witless preached to you about these issues, you are now damned because you tolerated someone listening to Led Zeppelin while you were working.
Either way, it is at best a waste of time and at worst murder when you preach about joke-hova.