Sometimes small children can see through stupid.
Len Miller
by FatFreek 2005 31 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Sometimes small children can see through stupid.
Len Miller
To JWs, Mormons were wrong with their polygamy -- many wives for men. Of course, they ended that practice back in 1897. JWs don't tell you that it wasn't till 1947 that Watchtower began disfellowshipping those guilty of polygamy.
To JWs, Catholics were wrong when they required their members to avoid eating meat on Fridays. Of course, they ended that practice in the 1960s.
Doctrinal errors of other churches.
When JWs change their doctrines they are not doctrinal errors -- instead, they are NEW LIGHT!
Changed end dates -- even they have lost count.
Changed resurrection of the Sodomites -- you need the fingers of both hands to add them up.
Changed Superior Authorities of Romans 13. Changed "this generation".
Changed thinking of the Wild Beast -- discovered to have membership to a United Nations NGO.
Could there be even more?
Len Miller
Funny how Jehovah lovingly provides "New Light" when the old light has been or is about to be, proven false.
But it seem's like lately they've even had some "New Light" about the term "New Light" itself. They seem to prefer to use the term "Adjustments" these days.
Hmmmm .... thanks for shedding new light -- an adjustment on that matter.
When jehovahs witnesses "expose" an adjusted teaching in any of the 40,000 christian sects of christendom , and especially the Roman Catholic Church , they shout from the roof tops , see ,that proves they are a false relgion .
When jehovahs witnesses make adjustments to their teachings it is evidence that jehovah is blessing them with new light proving they have the true religion.
I would like to add , how many times do any of the 40,000 christian sects make adjustments to their beleifs ? . compared to the jehovahs witnesses in their short time of 130 + years , who continually make adjustments year in and year out about their beleifs, their policys , their administration , their doctrines , their handling of child sexuall abuse cases , etc.etc.
Jehovahs witnesses are continually changing , as one Elder said to me , that proves we are the" truth" God is progressively giving us the truth .
Either jehovahs witnesses are very dumb or their God jehovah is very dumb.
Their God has to give them false information for years and then slowly give them tidbits of information to eventually bring them to the truth ? which he obviously hasn`t done so yet ? Why ? Because their is so much more information that needs to be forthcoming .
They actually used the term "fresh light" in the F&DS wt. fresh lite provided by Jesus.
superior autorities, a blinking light. a period of invisible darkness 1929 to the 60s. "let god be true" but every man to be found a liar, lying about the superior authorities, causing great grief to the jws in peril from the NS goons.
I have always struggled with the concept of "new light"
If a child tells a story that is proven to be a lie, or wrong, he gets into trouble.
But if the GB tellas a story or doctrine...then millions of people follow it and base their whole life on it...then it changes, it is just passed off as "new light"
Hmmm...that sounds very HYPOCRITICAL!
Whatever words they use to try to explain the process, those words are in reality lies.
An "adjustment" to something does not include throwing away the original. "Fresh light" would only illuminate further what was there, not discard it.
The very good question posed by another poster on here is very pertinent :
" Was it the truth then, or is it now ? It cannot be both.".
Black light is also a light
The bible has not changed for centuries. It contains still the same message, the principle, the same objectives. If one sticks to that source, you would not have to change doctrines, policies every 6 to 12 months, you do not have to criticize other denominations as ALL have their own agenda and you can actually be happy.
Most elders, and particularly C/O's will spin this as a positive.." I think it is wonderful that we are having all these changes, Jehovah is really preparing us for the New World"............
To me, (apart from the generation thing) the craziest idea is that Jesus would have selected the F D Slave in (I think 1919) .. but wait nearly 100 years before revealing who that slave really was! They claim he let them labour on under the misapprehension that it was all the 144k when it was really just the G Body..
Is it is not obvious that that was a change for their own convenience, to consolidate power and authority to the few in Brooklyn ?