NFL bans Player for using a 'switch' on his son

by designs 36 Replies latest social current

  • designs

    NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell placed Minnesota Viking's player Adrian Peterson on indefinite suspension for using extreme measures in disciplining his son using a tree branch switch.

    Sports Illustrated covered details about how the process works with the Players Union, the Player, and the NFL.

    I remember vivid scenes in Kingdom Halls and in the homes of JWs who used extreme measures to discipline their children. A father and assistant P.O. gut stomping his teenage son in front of me in their home. Belts, wooden spoons, cords were brought to KHs and the cries of kids from the bathrooms could be heard in the main hall.

    When corporal punishment on minors became a felony in California in the mid 1980s we began to see a decline in public punishment among the JWs.

  • DJS

    Goodell, based on what a lot of talking heads are saying, is sending a strong message primarily because he was viewed as vastly under-acting in the Ray Rice case. It seems a bit draconian to a lot, but I agree with Goodell's 3 major points: a. Peterson is a lot bigger; b. Peterson used the tree branch on the child on several occasions (I believe he plead guility to the assault); and c. Peterson saw nothing wrong in 'whooping' his child in such manner.

    Peterson will appeal the year long suspension and will likely get some reprieve. Goodell will take any lumps from the appeal's decision considering it a PR and statement 'win' that he viewed Peterson's actions in the strongest manner possible. Ray Rice's actions deserved much more than an initial 2 game suspension. Peterson is likely paying, in some ways, for Rice's actions and Goodells inactions.

    Hopefully these incidents will lead to a cultural change; the NFL has a PR commercial right now with a lot of the star players in it making comments that such behaviors are always wrong. It's about time.

  • Justnowout

    As much as i detest abuse of anyone, and especially children, taking a mans job over this is dead wrong. Its a knee jerk restion to male it appear as if the nfl is concerned with something other than its image in the news cycle

  • DJS

    Please read the 2014 NFL Personal Conduct Policy. They have suspended Peterson for the rest of the season; they haven't taken his job. Under the 2014 policy, which all players agree to follow, these types of behaviors are specifically covered, as are the potential disciplinary actions the NFL may take. You can feel what you want to feel, but playing in the NFL is all about marketing and image, and it is their right to make it so. It is a privilege, not a right, and the rewards are huge. So are the potential risks, including having your personal behavior monitored/punished. Is that because it may impact the NFL's image? Of course, and there is not one thing wrong with that.

    That's what the players agreed to follow; the issue with Peterson is whether Goodell over-stepped the arbitration agreement.

  • blondie

    Several countries in Europe banned corporal punishment and the WTS "edited" their publications in those languages to take out references to corporal punishment. It is not much different now when elders are told to call WT Legal to check what the laws are in their state regard child sexual abuse.

  • Justnowout

    Please reread my post. i didnt refer to the nfl player conduct policy at anytime. I also think peterson would disagree that he hasnt lost his job, given that hes not working and not being paid.

  • DJS

    Peterson has been suspended for the season, and it is almost a certainly he will appeal. He hasn't lost his job, but ask him. I don't need to re-read your post. Your post was an emotional opinion not based on the facts, and my reference to the NFL player policy was to enable you to speak more intelligently about the topic, of which you are yet to show you are capable.

  • talesin

    Whether it's about NFL PR or not (I think it is), it's a good thing.

    Children are not possessions, and being beaten with a switch is extremely painful. Unlike 'mandatory counselling', this will hit daddy where it hurts. As for hurting the family by his suspension? If he can't coast for a few months, wel, maybe he should take a money-management course. I have no sympathy for people who beat their children/spouses/animals.


  • Simon

    Beating a child is always wrong, incredible that the one guilty of it get's so much sympathy. Oh the poor man.

    Beating chidren teaches them about violence and intimidation and societies that feature it heavily tend to have problems with violent youths and teens later on.

    It should be banned for all people but for those held up as an example, expecially so.

  • Justnowout

    Lol ironically i dont have any emotional attachment to peterson or his team. your response, on the other hand, is very typical of one reacting from the gut. However, i dont want to appear to be baiting you into a pointless argument so ill take my leave of this topic.

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