If You Don't Believe In God Anymore, Do You Still Say God Bless You or Thank God, etc.?

by minimus 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    Honestly, do you?? And if you do, isn't that hypocritical!👎

  • BizzyBee

    It would be like any expression that is not meant to be taken as literal.

    "Jesus H. Christ!" (Whereas his actual middle initial is K. For Kevin.)

  • Slidin Fast
    Slidin Fast

    Perhaps in an ironic way.

  • OneEyedJoe

    I never say "god bless you" because of my jw upbringing. I do say god damnit and Jesus Christ ( or if I'm really mad, Jesus f***ing christ) a healthy amount. I don't see it as hypocritical, is just a speech pattern picked up from my environment - no different than an accent or like people in Texas that say ya'll.

    That's the same reasoning I used when I was still an indoctrinated jw to excuse saying good luck to someone.

  • poopsiecakes

    Sure, I do! Doesn't mean I'm calling out to any specific deity just like when I say 'what a load of shit' I'm not actually referring to a large pile of poo.

  • Hortensia

    I quite often say, "jesus christ!" with feeling. If the feeling is really intense, I say, "jesus f*cking christ!"

    Does that count?

  • Oubliette

    No, but I've started saying, "God dammit!" and "Jesus-fucking-Christ!"

    Does that count?

    Hortensia, how funny, I was typing my post before you submitted mine! ... great minds ...

    And, "No!" I am most emphatically NOT a hypocrite.

  • doofdaddy

    If someone sneezes near me I say God bless you AND GET A F***ING TISSUE!

  • cofty

    Minimus - For god's sake look up "idiom".

  • OneGenTwoGroups

    Idioms exist! Jesus Tap Dancing Christ!

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