Family Gathering ( or the day also known as Thanksgiving)

by Theredeemer 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • Theredeemer

    Every year on a certain Thursday in November my family and close witness friends would get together, eat Menudo ( hispanic stew) and other foods, watch football and then get dressed to go to the meeting.

    Sister so and so would bring her famous pie, Bro and sister so and so would bring their gross punch and Bro and sis so and so would bring mexican sweet bread. Sometimes we would go to "worldy" aunt's and pick up plates of turkey and fixins.

    This was every year on a certain date, on a certain Thursday in November.

    This continued until my mom got Alzheimers. By that time I was married and had my own house. I continued our family tradition. Same food, different witness friends and, coincidentaly, I still had the meeting on Thursday (which sucked if the Cowboys were playing late).

    No one ever objected. No one raised eyebrows and everyone had a great time.

    Now I am no longer a witness. I have a new wife and a new house. This year, I am having the family gathering next Thursday. I will be making the traditional family food along with Turkey, since Ive never made it and want to try. Her family is coming (mom is a witness but not a uber one).

    My brother declined to come since he had other plans. He asked if my if could leave my mom with me since he will be out of town. I told him that would be great since I would be having food and her fam. He paused then asked "Wait. You are not celebrating are you? If you are I dont think I am comfortable with leaving mom there." I reminded him that I am an atheist and would be thanking no one, which satisfied him enough to allow my mother to go.

    For 30 years and probably years before I was born this family has celebrated Thanksgiving. Witnesses around continue to dodge and weave around the obvious fact, that on a certain Thursday in November they are eating with family and friends, giving a prayerful thanks before the meal and watching football; all symptoms of celebrating Thanksgiving!

    They hide it under the guise of calling it "family gathering". Call it what you want but its still Thanksgiving! The hypocrisy never ceases to amaze me!

  • designs

    Its all Kwanzaa to a JW

  • OneEyedJoe

    Yep, it's absolutely indefensible considering their stance on birthdays and christmas. If you sat around (tree or not) giving gifts on christmas day, that's a no-no, but having family over on thanksgiving for a huge meal involving turkey, cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie and mashed potatoes is fine just as long as you don't go around the table saying what you're thankful for.

    In my family, we'd use the loophole of doing it on the friday after thanksgiving. But by that logic, celebrating christmas would be fine since it actually falls a couple days after the winter solstice.

  • neverendingjourney

    My family is of Mexican descent. We would often go to Mexico when we were kids and we'd spend New Year's with the extended family (non-JWs). We popped fireworks, ate delicious food, the adults drank beer. The only thing we weren't allowed to do was to go around hugging everyone at midnight and saying "Happy New Year." Somehow this was okay.

    On the flip side, I once found myself as an adult on vacation during Thanksgiving with a witness friend. Most restaurants were closed. We ended up going to a local place that offered a buffet and he about blew a gasket when he saw I had put some turkey on my plate. In his mind eating turkey on Thanksgiving was the same as celebrating it. Glad I don't have to deal with that nonsense anymore.

  • Theredeemer

    Its funny because my brother only began to object when i mentioned the word Turkey.

    As if the inclusion of turkey might magically transform us into Satan worshipping pilgrims.

    Witnesses give so much power to the most random things: Turkey, tinsel, garage sale items, etc..

  • Oubliette

    I'll be eating lots and lots of turkey next Thursday. This will of course make my pants very tight.

    As I watch football, I'll be wearing brightly colored socks to keep my feet warm.

  • Theredeemer

    @ oubliette: that is one combination of evil!! All you need is to watch Twilight after the game while listening to rap with Beats bought off a garage sale in your Smurf pajamas and your transformation into Satan will be complete!!

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    Similar to 'present giving day' which an Elder friend and his wife used to hold on a set day of the year, (usually quite near Xmas) in order to give their kids certain requested items!

    A rose by any other name...............

  • mikeypants

    Reminds me of my mom saying "happy day of your birth" and making me whatever i wanted for dinner that night. They will still call on that special day but never use the phrase "happy birthday", they will say, "Yay, you were born on this day". Or, " happy day you came into this world". Hilarious.

  • Ignoranceisbliss

    As a still in dub I love thanksgiving. How can you beat family, football, and food! No turkey of course. That would cross the line. 😳

    It really is my favorite day of the year. It may be hypocritical but I would prefer this over dubs refusing to get together on thanksgiving.

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