For those of us who Didn't See DATELINE.....

by Prisca 15 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • MikeMusto


    WTS sends out molestors door to door. And we have undercover
    video to prove it.

  • Soledad

    Bill taped a phone conversation to the WTS legal dept--they basically told him to keep quiet, don't go to the police. I thought that was the best part of the program!

  • LB

    Yes video of the perv goin door to door was perfect. The lie by JR Brown about how these pervs are never allowed to go to the door alone. Well give me a break. We've all gone to a door alone before, all you have to do is to say "let me take this return visit by myself, ,they are kind of shy" and no one would insist on going with you.

    The tape recording of the legal department was priceless. Bill Bowen gets two thumbs up from me on that one.

    Never Squat With Yer Spurs On

  • Pathofthorns

    I think the shots of the molester in the ministry as well as the tape recording of Bill and WT legal should have the desired effect on the public.

    The WT seemed very evasive as far as their co-operation. Absolutely priceless how they showed Armageddon photos and revealed just what JWs really think of the non-JW public.

    Erica was the thread running through the entire program and she did an excellent job.

    Lauralisa sums up my thoughts on the program pretty well.


  • dungbeetle

    uhhhhh...I've been waiting for an email

  • NewLight2

    If you missed Dateline - dungbeetle can tell you about it.

    Email her:

    [email protected]

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