Laurie, I knew something bad had happened. But I am not sure of the story. I know bits of it. I will e-mail you.
Barbara Pandelo
About Daniel Fitzwater-Exposed on Dateline
by LFitzwater 63 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Dan is in prison in Carson City Nevada. The irony is that when he first was placed their one of the female guards was a victim of his! He would try to talk to her and tell her she knew he was innocent. He was transfered out when the prison system discovered this, until the guard left that prison, then he was moved back.
I saw the Dateline broadcast, and I have read Laurie's testimony. My sincere compassion goes out to all victims of sex crimes. Having worked with people with mental illnesses, and having some knowledge of Pedophilia, I understand the gravity of these conditions. I do not condone any form of sexual misconduct, however, a Pedophile is mentally ill. As with any illness, it MUST be professionally treated by a qualified practioner if any degree of recovery is anticipated. Scriptures alone will not cure Pedophilia! I would not judge Mr. Fitzwater, by concluding he is unrepentant for his actions because he is a repeated offender. The man clearly needs more help than he has been given. At the same time, he MUST be held accountable for his actions, as is the expectation of all of us. I am disgusted that the JW Organization has demonstrated their tollerance of this type of criminal behavior. The act of sexual intercourse/mollestation with a Minor person is illegal in most civilized countries. The act of sexually abuse is likewise an endictable offense. A criminal conviction is grounds for Disfellowshipping. I don't understand how the Organization can believe they are acting under the direction of Jehovah's Spirit, when what they are doing contradicts the very essence of Jehovah's great qualities of Love, Justic and Mercy. No doubt, more circumstances like this may be revealed in the near future as more victims demand justice. I find it so ironic that this has come to light at the same time as the problems within the Catholic Church. It is a sad reality of the world conditions we are living in. Let it not be a surprise to us, as these things were foretold to be a sign for us to heed. Don't blame Jehovah God, our Loving Father in heaven, because these things are loathsome to Him. And in due time He will act, and avenge! Just because there are 6+ million JW's today, doesn't mean there will be 6+ million to survive into the Paradise Jehovah has promised to the human family. We may be surprised at how many will be there...just do your part to make sure you are there to give glory and honour in the sanctification of Jehovah's Great Name! May Jehovah Bless His Sheeplike ones!
I Do Not Assume he is unrepentant because he is a repeat offender. I KNOW he is unrepentant because he still denies he did anything wrong! There is NO doubt he did what he is accused of. There are too many witnesses to the fact. My husband saw things that back up what his step-daughter and the other girls claim. His record id 20 years long.
He is sick. I have no doubt about that. But he is not insane. And he is not repentant.
I appriciate that you support the fact that molesters should pay for their crimes and get help, as for the rest, I will not comment about that at this time -
Welcome to the new ones here, and thank you for sharing your stories. I still am aghast at what has been allowed to continue for so long....and now that it is out in the open, the denial continues.
Does the Society somehow think that pretending they don't have a serious problem within the Organization somehow means that they DON'T have a problem?
*****HUGS***** to you all.
Nathan Natas
You mentioned, "Their excuse was (and I gave this letter to Dateline, but it was edited out) that there were not 2 witnesses to each seperate incident. This was a letter from the WTS themselves."
Has that letter been scanned and displayed somewhere - like SilentLambs? If not, and if you still have the letter, please scan it or at least provide a transcript of it here. Can you do that?
I still have the letter, but no scanner. I did fax it to Bill Bowen I believe. He may still have it or I can fax it to someone with a scanner. Anyone that wants to scan it, just let me know. Thanks
Trust me, everyone in that prison knows what he did. You can't hide those things and since a guard was a victim I'm certain the word was really spread after that.
Then there is the Dateline show. Inmates get to watch TV.
I'm certain it has been a very interesting time for the perv.
Never Squat With Yer Spurs On -
Laurie, I can truly appreciate your feelings of digust for this man, and feeling as though he is not repentant. You mention that you don't believe he is repentant because he thinks he has done nothing wrong. This IS typical of a person who is a Pedophile. It IS part of the mental illness. It has nothing to do with having a sense of morality, it IS a mental sickness. I do appreciate that it is very difficult to understand when you are involved in such a terrible incident. If he has been dealing with this since he was a younger man, which is usually when Pehophilia begins, and he has NEVER received ANY professional help (therapy and medication), only the counsell of the Scriptures (which just won't do it!) then it is no wonder he actually believes he has done no wrong. Telling him it is wrong and showing him Bible passages is not enough to correct this type of mental condition. In some ways, he is also a victim or himself because he has never had the help he needs. I can imagine that the concept of him being a victim also would frustrate you, and I am not saying it to upset you. I do not know either you or the Brother involved. I am simply stating fact. And I want you to know that I am very genuine in my concern about this issue. Yes, a crime has been committed, and it needs to be dealt with Judicially and Legally. Yes, justice should prevail! Not just for the victims of the crimes, but for the offenders. They should be entitled to receive PROPER and APPROPRIATE counselling and therapy, so they can reside in society without being a pariah. Truly, I feel great compassion towards all victims of sex crimes, and if I or a member of my own family was a victim, I may react with the same anger. However, let us not forget that even the Justice System of this world is not what it should or could be, and there is often a lack of justice. And I know also, that even in the congregation, sometimes there is injustice rendered. That is why we have to keep close in mind that ONLY JEHOVAH can render justice deserved. Being a God of Love and Mercy, Jehovah will provide comfort to victims who lean on Him for support, in addition to getting the professional help they need to recover fully. And likewise, Jehovah will not abandon a person with a mental illness. Please don't make yourself so lofty as to become judgemental. It is one thing to have an opinion, and another thing to be judgemental. There is a fine line. I hope you understand what I am trying to say here. I would just hate to see you lose faith in our Loving, Merciful and Just, Father, Jehovah God! In faith testing times like this, we all need to pray for strength to demonstrate selfless love, as Christ Jesus did. Pray for the victims AND the perpetrators, that each will find the strength needed to align themselves once again with Jehovah's Will. Don't allow room for Satan to overcome! He is the god of this system of things, but good IS stronger than evil! Please know that I care very much. May our wonderful God, Jehovah, strengthen and console His sheeplike ones!
I replied to you under a new thread under ABUSE & Lofty & Judgemental?