Note this statement on "One member of the GB of JWs repeated the well-known saying: 'To know where we are going...

by AndersonsInfo2 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • AndersonsInfo2

    "One member of the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses repeated the well-known saying: 'To know where we are going, we have to know where we have come from.'"

    You will find this statement on - under Activities - The Museum - "A Tour Through Time." 

    There is featuring a slick advertisement for the tour at Brooklyn, Bethel, of Watchtower's museum containing their version of the history of the organization.

    Would you enlightened posters like to tell the GB where JWs came from so these men will know where they are going?  I doubt that will post your comments on their website, but I'd love to post them on




  • DesirousOfChange

    Of course, if you go showing everyone in the Congregation where The Organization "came from" (that is to say , its past) you'll find yourself in the "hot seat" in the back room.


  • hardtobeme
    You would go straight to the back room with 3 judges ordering you to repent from telling others where JWs came from...
  • millie210

    They dont even know where they came from...theyve deleted it all from the annals of the Watchtower library and sanitized what didnt get outright deleted.

    Kind of like the Egyptians used to do their history (according to the JWs) and who got ridiculed as a bad example for doing so.



    They came from deluded humans who were influenced by other deluded humans, who were influenced by the Millerites, who were influenced by some other deluded humans, who were deluded by whoever the RCC was killing off, who were deluded by whoever the Sanhedrin were killing, who were deluded by whoever the ancient Israelites were killing, who were influenced by whoever the Egyptians were killing off, who were influenced by whoever the "Pagans" were killing, who were influenced by whoever the strongest monkey was killing.. 

    How does that sound? 

  • TerryWalstrom

    Which explains why they are so accurate in predicting Armageddon.


    They aren't.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    I delved into older WT publications and was called an "apostate" by the JW elder I shared my information with.


    This is yet another example of a catchy little WT phrase, but like the rest of what WT does it's not meant to actually be applied in real life.

  • stuckinarut2

    Yes, me too!

    I have been called divisive and one with "apostate leanings" (note that they didnt quite say "apostate")


    All because I spent hours reading the old books in the Kingdom Hall library  and then shared some of the strange things about our history with people I chatted to socially!

    I reminded those brothers who interrogated me, that I simply read from OUR OWN history! Not from any apostate sites!


  • truthseeker100
    What I can't figure out is my grandparents had boxes of those old books dating back to the beginning of the Borg, Why did they keep them? I was discouraged from reading as a young boy. I too spent hours reading these books trying as child to understand them and repeatedly told that's old light. LOL brings back memories.
  • Oubliette
    Let's review: It's a cult!

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