So I was riding along with an uber dub. The conversation veered to mentioning how one elder gave a very encouraging comment (he is the of loving type). The issue was no one remembered exactly what the comment was, so I said "I know it was during the book study, I MEAN THE CONGREGATION BIBLE STUDY. Then I slipped and said: "Funny how the book study became the BIBLE study...." I was immediatly diverted, but since learning TTATT I feel as if there is a fire in my bones which will not permit me to be quite! How in the world do they get away with considering a rote question and answer session regarding a book atleast a decade old (with some 'old light'(TM) a bible study. The bible is only opened five times at most during the entire "study". An honest name would be: The Weekly Doctrinal Review Session!
Congregation "Bible Study"
by Blackfalcon98 10 Replies latest jw experiences
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
"Bible Study"
No "study" is involved, and the material is from a book about another book.
Imagine spending time every week doing a paragraph by paragraph rehash of a book about a different book.
"The conversation veered to mentioning how one elder gave a very encouraging comment (he is the of loving type). The issue was no one remembered exactly what the comment was"
The rehash of a book about another book is then followed by a conversation about a comment someone made during the rehash of a book about another book... and nobody remembers what the comment was, but they agree it was a good one.
I find this hilarous... because it's so true of JWs, and so sad.
Were they all sipping Jesus Juice during the study?
@Billytheexbethelite, I was there....and no I was not sipping the kool-aid. Just present by circumstance
Growing up I wondered why jws called studies with non-jws, bible studies, but studies of jws, book studies. I can remember a study conductor saying that we would be reading the verses from the bible (Babylon the Great book, Ezekiel book, Isaiah book for example) but not the paragraphs, then we would remember the scripture from the bible not the book. Nowadays the WTS rarely completely quotes anything from the bible, only snippets and citations.
i have no idea what they are up to these days except the lunacy i read here.....but why oh why were people called "bible studies". were they not people with whom a study of wt publications was conducted?
Correct, tiki...they are bible students supposedly, not studies. I used to point that out but it persists even today.
....."Nowadays the WTS rarely completely quotes anything from the bible, only snippets and citations."
The sad truth about it is the less the members are exposed to the context the better. Many texts are taken out of context in order to fit their narrative.
All information is presented not in a educational setting but more of a repetitive format where answers become irrelevant as they are merely repeated, processed, and then stored subconsciously.
Classic cult indoctrination.
Interesting point Blondie, I suppose it would be too much for their Cognitive Dissonance to use the term "Bible Student" very often, as they know full well they are not really studying the Bible, but the WT/JW wacky interpretation of it.
Students of the Bible they are not.
On the subject of their taking scriptures out of context, I wonder if that's part of the appeal of their recent push for everyone to have tablets - their epub literature links to the cited scriptures with out the context. They could link to their app so you could see the scripture in context, but they're all too happy to give you just the neatly selected excerpt that seems to support whatever they're selling at the moment.
I can definitely relate to feeling like you're going to explode holding in TTATT. It's only natural to want to stand up and say/do something once you know what's going on, and I think that the system is, to a certain extent, designed to make you do just that upon awakening so that you'll play right into their definition of mentally diseased apostates.
Phizzy, that is like saying you are a chef and all you ever do is defrost and heat up someone else's cooking.