How many times have you asked a JW who has attended a public talk how the talk was, only to be told it was so great! yet they cannot remember the title nor any one single point except that the brother was "funny" or was good with illustratiions or some other vauge point? And conventions weren't far off either. It was always some "how close the end is" statement and not one bit of counsel on how to be a christian or other weighty matter? How about you? Was it like that for you? Did you take notes and actually have something to share or of benefit from the bragfest? Was it because there were no good points? Or were you zoned out?
Ever notice how JW's can attend a talk or Convention and remember nothing?
by Wasanelder Once 34 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Yes I was one, there was some retention for a day or two but after that it all got pushed into the ... Yeah I've heard it all before Catalog.
Believe it or not I think all JWs think to a certain extent that there is some information off the podium which is BS propaganda.
It was one of the things that annoyed me the most. The strange thing is that most uberdubs mostly know nothing about theology and the bible. They love the gatherings, the organisation etc... But they know shit about the contents. That is the folks these GB dorks wants.
The content is never remembered...only the speakers style of delivery, or warmth, or some other fluff! Never the content!
I used to love doing this:
After delivering a public talk , I would always get someone come up and say "thankyou for that talk, I enjoyed it etc"
I would always graciously say "thankyou. What part or point or scripture did you like?" SO OFTEN the response was " of it..and the way you gave it..."
In other words, as much as I felt I had made clear points, no one can be bothered to remember them anyway...its all just a "white noise" to most witnesses!
Elder Righteous: Sister Blondie wasn't the talk wonderful?
Me: What point did you find especially illuminating?
ER: Well, all of them (and he scurries off)
WT Conductor: Sister Blondie, we appreciated your comment today.
ME: Which one was that? I answered 3 times. What specifically stood out to you?
WTC: Ah, ah, there's Brother COBOE, (and he scurries off)
yeah it amazes me too! i ask spouse can you believe he just said that from from the platform? then she goes huh!! i don't remember that!
what an utter waist of time! i think i'd rather watch 700 club!#$@ NMH
I remember once telling a person what a great talk the CO gave. They asked me what it was about and I couldn't remember at all
not a single thought came to me
i was very embarassed
oh.....and late sunday afternoon when at last the assembly is over.....ooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh wasn't that just the BEST assembly ever?!?!?!?
i swear the reason for clapping at the end of talks is an expression of glee that at last that drone is done.
compound complex
An avid note taker in school, the habit carried over into my JW life. It served me well.
I still do so during the occasional meetings I attend. The busyness occupies me in a tedious but distracted manner, which allows me to rise above the cognitive dissonance blasting between my two ears . . .
Reminds me of what happened a while back when I was growing up in the COng. A friends dad always used to ask them on the ride home what the talk was about. On this Sunday the CO gave the talk and he used the line "bet you can't eat just one" from the Lays Potato Chip commercial, which used to get lots of airtime in the late 60's, when her dad got to her little brother, he said he remembered what the talk was about - potato chips.
Some of the adults there that Sunday probably didn't remember too much more than that line themselves.