Tiredroadie: You have a PM.
We're not dealing with sincere anointed who genuinely believe their teachings but scam artists
by truthseeker 28 Replies latest jw friends
Separation of Powers
they are delusional, but they are spiritual, so you have to accept their delusion.
They are not spiritual and I question their delusion - I think they know it's a scam and are comfortable with it.
We ARE dealing with a criminal organization that IS the WT Society- and people need to wake up and smell the coffee and accept this reality
OneEyedJoe: As I heard from one elder when another elder brought up the overlapping generation change: "they had to change it because it was obviously wrong - they're [the 1914 generation] all dead"
Joe, that's exactly how our CO explained it one day in service to a select few. Yeah........the CO.
So much for all the advance information provided to the F&DS via the Holy Spirit. There must be some serious delay in all that time travel to get the word to the GB in NY.
Double Post.
How'd that happen?
What percentage is scam and what is delusion doesn't really matter.
It is 100% cult.
TruthSeeler ***We're not dealing with sincere elderly anointed who genuinely believe what they teach but scam artists******
Yup, As said before, victims of a failed concept, desperate to keep the house of cards from toppling.
The SDA church that preceded CTR, used the invisible "investigated judgement" teaching/ dogma/excuse (commonly know as "IJ" in SDA forums ) when Jesus did not returning 1844 is also an embarrassment for their leadership. however, the SDA corrected itself somewhat with "Question on Doctrines" "QOD" as they responded to questions put to them from cult "specialist" Walter Martin. The WWC (world wide church of god) made similar corrections in doctrines to be more acceptable within main stream Christianity.
It will be interesting to see how the "Big Seven" In Brooklyn will survive as they transition to JW.ORG , will they just kick the can down the road for another 10 Years as a short term fix, ? or make the changes needed and suffer the Obvious consequences.
Just sayin :)
“truthseeker”: “Either they are fooling themselves OR they are perpetuating a SCAM on the body of believers.”
I think that they are fooling and scamming themselves on a deeply subconscious level, but on another level they are operating in cognitive dissonance as they try to perpetuate and craftily sculpt the lies. It seems that, as a whole, the GB is struggling to keep up with itself. It is like a criminal who deep down knows he has committed a serious crime but keeps reinventing and reaffirming to others and himself a lie – a sort of hopeless “fake it ’till you make it” strategy; or, more like a “fake it ’till you believe it yourself (or at least try to believe it yourself)” strategy.
“truthseeker”: “. . . chronology has backed them in a corner, and they have no way out except to change the teaching, but in doing so they have lost credibility among themselves and the flock . . .”
“flipper”: “For the money and the power. And the control.”
Those defects of human character really come through, don’t they!