It was their god joke-hova that had to have us blind to the truth in order to enslave us. Unless joke-hova intervened, they would not have died, but would have been like Gods. Of course, joke-hova, the sore loser it is, had to go and ruin everything.
WT Study Article Nov. 23, 2014--Adam understood "day" to be 24 hours
by Cadellin 43 Replies latest watchtower bible
yes. Satan's words came true but what god said failed to come true. According to what the bible says about lying, jah is in the wrong. WT would have you believe otherwise when actually reading the passage tells you what really happened. Anything the WT says about the 24 hour day in the bible is pure BS and speculation. No one can know what a day meant, either literal or figurative, at that time anyway.
The Watchtower CORPORATION speculates too much in its teachings - they don't abide in TRUTH which is JESUS ... so there's the result of adding and substracting to the scriptures.
"they don't abide in TRUTH which is JESUS ... so there's the result of adding and substracting to the scriptures."
i Like that term because of the fact that they have done this so many times. But the sad part is that no matter what they their opinion on what the bible is about, their followers will always have an unconscious one-hundred percent belief in them.
i love the genesis accounts of our creation--and those early years. its in the bible---so it must be true.
especially the talking snake.
Bella15 - "The Watchtower Corporation speculates too much in its teachings..."
...and then turns around and forbids the rank-and-file from doing so themselves.
wrong thread sorry
... being childless at the time, he would have also believed that only he - not countless future generations - would die for eating the fruit.
He would also have no possible way to contemplate the consequences of his actions on as yet unborn offspring.
It's just plain silly to try to make sense out of nonsense!
ADCMS: It is interesting that JWs will not apply this same standard to their beloved WT/GB as well. Think 1975, generation, etc...a whole lot of "implied"* comments about those subjects from WT.
Let's review: It's a cult!
Adam may well have understood this “day” to be a 24-hour day.- w2014 9/15, p. 24, para. 7
And he may well not have.
Evidently, it was a series of "overlapping days," nearly 340,000 of them! - Genesis 5:5
Of course, Adam--being unfamiliar with WTBTS's peculiar brand of "theological eisegesis"--would have more than likely understood the word "day" to mean "day," "may well have's" and "evidentlys" aside.
Once again, the WTBTS is engaging in ridiculous, unfounded speculation, this time involving the mind-reading of a person (I'm assuming for the sake of argument that there actually was a literal Adam) that's been dead for over five thousand of years.
It's hard to believe that you could actually lose all of your friends and family members for merely questioning any of this shite!
Silly cult!-
What century is this? we have 7 000 000 adults assembled to discuss seriously the ramifications of a story of a talking snake? not the wolf in red riding hood?