I need a good cry but I can't. Please help?

by ohnightdivine 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • ohnightdivine

    Besides being overworked and overstressed almost everyday in the past few months,

    I've had to deal with a 'broken heart', insecurities with my physical appearance (gained a lot of weight),

    and being lonely because I started distancing myself from the 'congregation', I just want to cry, sob, and bawl out here in my bedroom. But I just can't. :( I used to cry easily when I'm depressed, but lately I think that perhaps subconsciously I began to cope by being numb.

    I just can't cry when I need to release all of the pain in my heart.

    Please, any tips? What do I do? :(

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    You have a PM

  • joyfulfader

    I know the feeling. for me it is as though ice has overtaken me and the possibility of a cathartic cry seems utterly impossible. Sometimes there is nothing I can do but I have found that there are a couple of triggers I can use involving specific movie scenes. There are 3 that work for me. The end of the series finale of Lost, the end of Titanic (cheesy I know) and the end of The Notebook. I am not a crier but sometimes we need that soul cleansing cry to clear the mind. Once you can have that cry try making a short list of things you want to accomplish in the short term. No more than a week. Don't set yourself up for failure by trying to take on too much. Try taking on one new thing to better yourself. even one step forward, however small, can lift your spirits to take another step.

    I am am so sorry you are over stressed and dealing with a broken heart. I have been there but I promise it will get better. Time has a way of passing faster than we think.


  • happy@last

    I couldn't cry either, for years. My psychologist said it was fine and that one day I would. Years later I was able to, now any soppy film or sad story will set me off. Don't worry if you can't, it might just be a safety mechanism, why not try a sad film?

  • talesin

    I didn't cry for a lot of years. Two things I found help. Crying in the shower - it is private, and womb-like. Also, watching a movie that I know 'gets to me', like Ole Yeller.

    Sending you much support and love, you will make it!



  • mikeypants

    reading the '94 awake mag featuring children dying from refusing blood brings a tear to my eye.

  • Balaamsass2

    Having been brought up in the borg we are reluctant to see mental health professionals. Even if you don't have insurance coverage, spend a couple of hundred dollars for a few visits to a Psychologist. Money well spent for some guidance and to get some of that festering Watchtower gangrene out of your system.

    Just do it!

  • DesirousOfChange

    Having been brought up in the borg we are reluctant to see mental health professionals.

    Go to a doc, get some meds.

    Things will improve, though it may look helpless at the moment.


  • simon17

    I'm sorry you are in a bad place right now but things can get better. Here's what I like to do in this sort of situation, although I'm sure this advice is not for everyone.

    Go hit the gym (or start some workout routine depending on age/ability). Get sweaty and tired and scream "F*ck you, Life! I'm hitting back!" Just because you're not in control of all that life brings, it feels good to start controlling the things you can control.

  • LisaRose

    I used to have that problem a lot, it was very hard to feel what I should feel, it wasn't healthy. It seems like you are doing fine but the reality is you aren't dealing with any thing that way, just kicking the can down the road. I have gotten better, but now it's too far the other way, I get all emo over sappy commercials, eck.

    You could try watching a movie, find one that is a weeper, or listen to music that moves you. I also recommend journaling and meditation.

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