by Terry 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • smiddy

    What do you expect with todays educational system , children are not taught to spell correctly , just so long as it sounds phonetically the idea of what you want to convey.

    The people of England Scotland and Ireland may phrase a sentence different from each other .

    Australians and New Zealanders can phrase the same sentence in different ways .

    Canadians and Americans may also phrase a sentence in different ways .

    And along with those differences in phrases may well be different spelling of certain words depending on where your from . ( important point )

    Is it just us older people who are so hung up on how a word is spelt ?

    Isnt it the thought, the message, the idea, the gist of the sentence ? that is the important thing ?


  • Bungi Bill
    Bungi Bill


    When you have lived for several decades amongst people whose first language is not English (as I have), you do learn to "cut them a bit of slack", as the saying goes. Granted, too, there are regional variations in the English language.

    However........ none of this excuses careless grammar and sloppy spelling on the part of those whose first language is English.

    I will forever marvel at the case of my mother (and her two brothers), who only ever received a primary school education, in a one room bush school, and whose total roll (Grades 1 to 7) would hardly have made up one soccer team. Yet, all of them were well read, and could spell perfectly. Now, just about everybody completes Grade 12 - yet few seem to have any idea about correct spelling and grammar, and even the general rate of literacy is not too impressive. (e.g. words bigger than "vegemite" seem to be a problem for many people!)

    I would have to agree with your comments about the education system.


  • Terry

    "In my opinion, the use of good grammar is a way of showing respect to yourself, your listeners and the language. It elevates the topic and gives it more value, even if only in the mind of the writer."

    Hey, I like that!

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    Great post Terry.

    In my opinion a post that makes me think " Geee" I am glad someone finally wrote this ! "Is a great post indeed! ( regardless of GRAMMUR ?

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    Lets bring H G . Wells in to the debate, " No passion in the world is equal to the passion to alter someone's draft. "

    So true!

    Anyway it's a FUNtastic post.

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    How about " SPAACIOUS" or MISSPELLED"

    I think my spelling is much more imaginative than the correct spelling.

    But i love " FUNTASTIC".

  • stuckinarut2
  • sowhatnow

    well, I simply havent figured out how to use my spellchecking on this site.

    i try my darndest to not put AT?

    on the ends of scentences

    wheres my hat at?

    where you at?

    i dont know where Im at!


  • Bruja-del-Sol

    Although I totally agree with Terry and others that it's a good thing to check, or double check, your spelling, we mustn't forget that a lot of the visitors on JWN do not have English as their first language.

    And even if you do check your writings, a mistake can always happen. Even in the topic heading.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    I don't mind incorrect spelling if the writer wants to show informal speech or regional accent, dialect, etc. but it does get to me when I have to read something that's full of mistakes.

    I don't often have too much trouble with spelling and grammar.

    However, I think I'm one of those people at JWN who's typed 'definitely' with an a.

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