sammie, you and simon can keep living in your world were you believe Asians are biologcially determined to be poor drivers and better at math and African Americans are....whatever you think African Americans are biologically determined to be relative to whites and other races.
You going to find me some real science that says the 'Asian race' is better at math than other races?
good luck
Go back and copy something where I have said that any race or culture of people is better than the next. Please don't even begin to try this - I responded to your claim of science being the real world where you your science prove to you that all things are equal - I pointed out that this was and is a fallacy based on scientific studies by different scientists. That's how science works - people disagree and then work on proving or disproving issues and still they all won't agree. An example would be climate. Additionally, the reporting of scientific facts is sometimes turned into a political game and at times even a corporate game wherein reports can be altered to suit and idealogy with which to manipulate the public. Doesn't make it all bad or all good or even something to get worked up about - it's all about discussion and middle ground most often. sw