If elders are responsible for the teaching, the flock---

by prologos 10 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • prologos

    Can you look at any of them and think, say: you taught:-- " The F&DS , the "anointed" existing since Pentecost" ---you taught:

    the non-overlapping generation of 1914 ---

    the local drive to get it done before 1975*--

    The Superior Authorities Jehovah&Jesus carrying a sword, demanding taxes--


    call to heaven closed----

    --The talking snake, and still do that, just last Sunday. so:

    While it is true, that the elders are receiving these temporary false teachings from the GB, really THEY are the once teaching it locally, enforcing compliance.

    Should they be trusted now?

    Can they be held personally responsible? --how? --- because the "revenge is mine" god is not going to do it!

    * I should have, as a bookstudy conductor, raised a red flag,-- having been shook by the "superior authority" reversal--, but did not, and saw at least two families pull up lucrative stakes and move into isolation, "where the need was great"


  • leaving_quietly

    Actually, yes. This is the #1 reason I resigned from serving as an elder after learning just a little bit about TTATT.

    Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, knowing that we will receive heavier judgment. - James 3:1

  • Still Totally ADD
    Still Totally ADD

    Same here. The last memorial talk I gave brought out that 1935 was the cut off date for being part of the 144,000. Then a few months later the Wt. brought out how it seems those of the 144,000 was still coming in. When I saw that all I could do was say I was lying to all who listen to my talk. That was another reason for me to resigned from serving as an elder. Remember one thing the real brain dead elders who will not think for themself are the ones who will talk the talk anything the Brog will tell them without saying to themselves "hey this is a bunch of grap". Still Totally ADD

  • prologos

    STAdd, yes, then it was the teaching done by us in behalf of the GB, that these new partaker were replacements, then when wt realized they had thousands of rejected old "onointed" that need replacement, they had us teach "no more replacements"

    Wt made fools out of all the elders. did Brooklyn get something right? they fooled all of us for a while.

    LQ, those pangs of conscience of yours should be encouraged in all serving servants.

  • Finkelstein

    If the WTS. leaders are a subjective fraud, the elders are a fraud as well because they are just regurgitating what the WTS. leaders put to print and publish.


    Simple logic is it not ?

    The elders are just stupid, ignorant people albeit at times well meaning, who follow and support the established doctrines set by the WTS heads.

    Doctrines to which were used to lure them into the organization themselves.

  • Chris Tann
    Chris Tann

    yes. first the calling ended in 1935,then not too long ago the number of partakers was going up. A Watchtower said that these ones are depressed or mental. then when they saw a trend in increase of partakers a Watchtower said Jah is "evidently" saving some to be annointed for the very end to make sure there will be enough on hand for GT. they just keep making stuff up when their long held belief s go down hill. this is not providing healthy food at the right time. No one should feel bad for deciding to not follow this organization. God could not hold one accountable for not believing this stuff.

  • prologos

    Will elders, teachers be able to plead temporary insanity to have believed this, and taught it in good faith? doctrines that become ever more bizarre?


    If I was an Eldub, I would be carefully watching the legal scene pertaining to pedo cover-ups. Talk about being in a bad spot. I would have a post-dated letter of resignation on file. I would make sure that all of my close (worldly) friends and neighbors knew where I stood on the issue.

    If all the scandals become public, you could be thrown under the bus. if there is a riot and mob justice ( which has happened to Dubs in the US before) you could literally be thrown under a bus. The GB will be safe and sound at Warwick, while YOU are being beaten in the streets. Think of your wives and children. Are you REALLY going to send them out D2D if those scandals hit the news? Sexual crimes, espescially against children, are a rallying point for people. Even a convicted murderer hates pedos. The POTENTIAL for large scale outrage is there.

    Sure the RCC had scandals, but they don't send their pawns D2D. It's a whole different situation for JWs. This is especially the case because of the JW persecution complex. The GB come right out and say that YOU are just an expendable member of God's locust-like army. YOU or your family being beaten, raped, killed, ect, doesn't matter to the WTBTS leaders.

    If you dont think it can happen, just refresh your memory by reviewing the Malawi scandal. Those things can happen in more developed countries. They do happen. A mob doesn't care about legalities.


  • Separation of Powers
    Separation of Powers

    Most elders do not understand nor accept the responsibility associated with the position. James states in James 3:1- "Not many of you should become teachers, my fellow believers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly."

    The weight of that scripture moved me to leave the position after many serious questions about policy and doctine, particularly the policy on child abuse that is SOOO affecting the organization now.

  • minimus

    The elder arrangement is flawed and mostly unscriptural.

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