Many JWS enjoy turkey on Thanksgiving Day and are often discreet about their indulgences. Why be two faced? Why try to excuse it?
2 Faced JWs and Thanksgiving
by minimus 38 Replies latest jw friends
THANKSGIVING: Began as the annual autumn harvest in Hebrew called "Festival of Booths" or "Festival of Ingathering" (of crops with thanks to Him) (Lev 23:33, Deu 16:13) now celebrated in numerous nations on many continents.
By denying normal holiday feasts and family gatherings, the has "gone beyond what is written." Actually, they are actually going against what the scriptures actually state.
Proof? Unlike the, I've got the scriptures on my side:
Colossians 2:16 says, "Therefore do not let anyone judge you by food, drink, a religious festival, New Moon celebration or Sabbath day."
^^ There's a scripture I bet the Org wishes didn't exist. They never quote it, and am surprised they didn't remove it from their "new and improved" silver sword Bible, what with it directly contradicting what they preach.
- Wing Commander
You'd be surprised how many JW's have turkey on Christmas day too.
Why be two faced? Why try to excuse it?
The JW religion/culture is based squarely on duplicity; it's not what you are really doing that counts, only how it appears. End of story.
I've received many a birthday card from a JW on my birthday, only with the word "birthday" on the card crossed out. "Happy Birthday" !
See, if they cross it out, it's no longer a birthday card and Jehovah will not smite them for giving a non-birthday card to a JW on their birthday wishing them a happy birthday. Forget to cross the word "birthday" out and Jehovahâ„¢, the god of minutiae and rice paper-thin skin, will be miffed.
Separation of Powers
Turkey is cheap around are excuses of those that say they arent celebrating.
You'd be surprised how many JW's have turkey on Christmas day too.
Turkey is cheap around are excuses of those that say they arent celebrating.
Two words... Heritage Turkey. You can thank me later. It's worth the money to try at least once.
I give my mom a plate of turkey and all the fixings every Thanksgiving. She insisted upon giving me fifteen dollars for food but instructed me not to tell her if I would use the money for the holiday. WTH?..
My kids are coming to me for Christmas - yay. They tell me their mum is going to be giving them 'winter' presents when they return!
Growing up in a JW family, we ALWAYS had turkey on Thanksgiving. It was also not unusual to invite friends over.
The part I hated was that we still had to go to the Thursday night meeting.
In my lifetime I've been to two jw dinners that happened to "accidentally" fall on the day of thanksgiving.