Happy Thanksgiving

by skeeter1 17 Replies latest jw friends


    Yes a HUGE Happy Thanksgiving Day to all the USA people.........Eat lots of turkey and dressing.

    Drop off the bones and scraps to KingDumb Hole.

    The wife and I sure miss having our son over for meals on special holidays.

    Do the J-Dubs hide under their bed when the holidays come around??

  • Oubliette

    Gobble, gooble!

    I just got a text from a friend, a former elder and JWN member, that woke up to the TTATT and successfully got his entire family out. It's a real success story.

    Today he, his wife and kids are celebrating Their First Thanksgiving with family!

    Thought you guys might like to know.

  • blondie
  • LV101

    Thank you and ditto.

    It's amazing how the Thanksgiving holiday has become important. We have so much to ve thankful for even though many of us still have to deal with the evil cult in our lives.

    Best to everyone!

  • talesin

    Happy, happy day, dear Skeeter!

    I wish you all the best for the coming year, and hoping you had the BESTEST pumpkin pie!



  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    The bird was a true sacrifice to the God of dinners. T'was so good. I do hope yours was as well. mmmmmmmmmmmmm yum.

  • talesin

    Yes, thanksgiving is a myth (at least the US one), but there's no need to rain on Skeeter's parade.

  • talesin

    Happt T-Day, Skeeter!

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