The Pyramids how old after all, and what are they all about????

by Crazyguy 12 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Crazyguy

    Has anyone here done any serious research on the pyramids of Egypt and others??? It has been said that these objects were roughly made around 2500-3000 BCE (the 3 at Giza). Other people have stated they are much older. One thinker used a computer program and thinks these align with the stars of the belt of Orion and believes these pyramids are a bit older than 10,500 BCE. A professor from a Chicago university with the last name Shoch, I believe, believes and studied the great Sphinx at Giza and stated it to also be about this old based on the erosion. Others have looked at some of the carvings of hard rock at this place and believe these to be older than the dynasties of the Pharaohs and the later limestone carving to be that of the Pharaoh's dynasties.

    These Pyramids are a feat of engineering and the rock cutting tools that were used back then must of been something like a diamond tipped saw or something similar. So any one here having any educated ideas as to what when and why these pyramids are???

  • Bloody Hotdogs!
    Bloody Hotdogs!

    A reputable encyclopedea will probably give you a good idea of the scientific consensus.

  • Simon

    Just because we use diamond tipped saws to cut stone now doesn't mean that is the only way to cut stone.

    There are many more recent stone buildings, far more intricate, that we know were not cut with power tools.


    There are very old structures out there. Stone Henge, Adam's Calendar, ect. There is no way man has only been on Earth for 6,000 years.


  • Crazyguy

    An encyclopedea is going to just give the standard answers and Simon what I'm talking about as cutting tools that maybe 10,000 + plus years old were able to cut through some of the hardest rock known to man, perfectly smooth cuts, perfectly level.

  • Bloody Hotdogs!
    Bloody Hotdogs!

    You are unlikely to find reliable information outside peer reviewd scientific literature. Be careful.

    You seem to dismiss the collective work of Egyptologists, Archeologists, Forensic Engineers, and Anthropologists as not "serious research". Why?

  • prologos

    " we are buiding the pyramids not because it is easy, but because it is HARD"

    either way, it debunks the bible.

    If they are 2 700 years old, that when every one was just drowned.

    if they are 10 000 year old, then Eve&Adam were not the first human and should not have been so naive to believe in a talking snake's tale.In a Nova program I believe there was an attempt to cut stone with the copper chisels of the period, and it would have taken more people to sharpen the quickly worn edges than to the roll-lifting of the stones up the ramps.

  • JWdaughter

    I have been to the pyramids. Many of them are built in a way that makes them pretty funky looking. The 3 at Giza are the biggies that we all pay attention to,but there are some oddly shaped ones that are older. They learned techniques by trial and error, clearly. Stonecutting tools and techniques for masons have not changed a lot. The basic principles are fairly constant. I would say that the manpower has definitely decreased (with the diamond tipped, modern tools, transportation and lifting equipment).

    Artisans do things right if they want a particular result. We can see this in centuries old buildings all over the world. And some people just slapped together materials and called it good. Some of those are still around, too. Engineering has come a long ways, but it's math and math is not as hard for everyone as is it to me. Some of the pyramids are pretty badly constructed and show poor engineering. These people were not aliens or geniuses. They were builders.

    The pyramids were originally covered with a limestone that covered up the construction details. The way we see them now is probably not nearly as beautiful as they were when they were shiny new, but they are, amazingly, still beautifully majestestic.

    If you ever go to visit, take a taxi out, find a guide at the site and you will save a lot over the tour guys from hotels. IF you negotiate with the taxi away from your hotel and IF you negotiate with a guide. Don't ever take the yellow cabs when you are a visitor. Just trust me on this.

  • RichardHaley

    This subject has always facinated me. The pyramids at the very least pre-date the date put forth by WTS for the building of the tower of bable. I do not trust the Egyptologist version of the history of the pyramids. They say they are tombs for the pharos even though no mummies have ever been found in them. The cutting of the stones especially the outside ones for me are not the real issue but rather the transportating of them due to their weight. Especially the massive granite ones in the kings chamber. Megolithic sites are all over the earth. Very impressive ones in Peru and Turkey and the dating of them goes way back, 10k - 20k.

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    According to Charles Russell the measurements were done by Jehovah to tell us when armagedon would come.

    I think the were made by aliens to hide the Stargates!

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