Has anyone here done any serious research on the pyramids of Egypt and others??? It has been said that these objects were roughly made around 2500-3000 BCE (the 3 at Giza). Other people have stated they are much older. One thinker used a computer program and thinks these align with the stars of the belt of Orion and believes these pyramids are a bit older than 10,500 BCE. A professor from a Chicago university with the last name Shoch, I believe, believes and studied the great Sphinx at Giza and stated it to also be about this old based on the erosion. Others have looked at some of the carvings of hard rock at this place and believe these to be older than the dynasties of the Pharaohs and the later limestone carving to be that of the Pharaoh's dynasties.
These Pyramids are a feat of engineering and the rock cutting tools that were used back then must of been something like a diamond tipped saw or something similar. So any one here having any educated ideas as to what when and why these pyramids are???