So its the Elders School this Weekend.......
by Slidin Fast 29 Replies latest jw friends
How to enforce GB rules in the congregation.
How to be an asshole basically.
Hopefully some of this will be leaked in full.
NPGs (non practicing gays ...) were condemned - have to be transformed not just wear a mask.
"Tight Pants" Tony must be all knotted up inside!
They actually used the term "Non-Practicing Gay" in the school?
They are so stupid if they really think you can change your sexuality with prayer or willpower. Why can't people understand that you are attracted to who you are attracted to? Fuckin cult!
NPGs (non practicing gays ...) were condemned - have to be transformed not just wear a mask.
All JWs wear a mask. The religion requires it.
"The lady doth protest too much, methinks"
NPGs (non practicing gays - I'd never heard the term before) were condemned - have to be transformed not just wear a mask. Wonder if they'll ever publish that one.
I can just imagine the sort of lectures the elder will give, with no understanding and being cold and bold. So how is the person going to demonstrate that they have been transformed? The most obvious way would be to marry a person of the opposite sex. This is a sick organization.
So Robbie can't get reinstated because he knocked up "aquarium girl".
i can't seem to remember how long it took king David to get reinstated after he got bath Sheba preggers or how his appeal to his disfellowshipping went.
How does one know whether or not a person is a "non-practicing gay",just wondering. Actually,in this area,I know more women that may be closet lesbians,than vice versa. But,they probably will pay attention to the more effeminate men,lol.
I feel sorry for anyone in this organization that is gay,and can't be who they are. Plus,they probably have to listen to gay bashing. It's constant,and not just from the platform.
Why can't they have sensitivity training at the elder schools? Instead it seems,they train them to be,well,any expletive will do here.