How would YOU like to die - At home with your family, or in Hospital with Strangers

by fulltimestudent 32 Replies latest social current

  • prologos

    If I needed pain management, in hospital, otherwise

    at home with home cooked gourmet food. famous 'last meal'(s) until the end.

    could of course happen suddenly, anywhere. almost happened to me, widow-maker heart attack on my favoured surfing spot, ready to paddle out.

    Picture your favoured activity and die doing it. -painlessly- not with a heart attack.

  • cantleave

    How do I want to die?


  • hoser

    We're all gonna die at Armageddon, or did you miss the memo.

  • Terry
  • Island Man
    Island Man

    Healthcare Power of Attorney, sorry it is on google.

    And here I thought the HC stood for Hospice Care

  • wallsofjericho

    jumping from an airplane, not pulling my parachute

  • Simon

    I'd like to go like my grandfather: peacefully in his sleep.




    not screaming in terror like the people on his bus (boom-tish !)

  • _Morpheus

    In a jager

  • James Brown
    James Brown

    I want to die in my sleep at home.

    Kalk, I am 62 and when I was growing up in Atlanta in the 60's, People died at home.

    And then they had the funeral in their home. They would put the casket in the living room and people

    would come and pay their respects.


    That is how my grand father went out. He had his casket in his living room. In the city of Atlanta Georgia.

    My other grandfather died at home at 83. He sat down in his chair and died.


    That is the way it is supposed to be, to me.


  • kaik

    JB, displaying open casket matter of personal opinion, cultural values, and traditions. I would never like to be paraded in the coffin, and I have seen a lot of open coffin funerals, some of them were not appropriate. We had a kid in the school that was run over by car. The family insisted having the funeral in the school, with open coffin, where his skull was visibly crushed and disfigured. Kids were throwing up all over, and teachers were running away; but parents stood there paying "respect".

    I do not think dying in hospice is inhumane as comparision to long-term facility under ventilator. Many people go to hospital at the end stage case, because they do not know they will die there and they hope to die at home. My father went to hospital with his terminal cancer care to get treatment, he should be released two days later, but he died overnight unexpectedly. We did not know, so did he when I talked to him. You can also die in your bed at your house and be left there for days and weeks, before someone is going to miss you.

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