Still Totally ADD, I'm gonna do a marathon too - maybe this evening! Haven't done one in a while. Out of the 3 prequel movies, I actually quite liked the 3rd one, if only for the scenes Ian McDiarmid is in. He just chews up the screen, in my opinion...
New Star Wars movie trailer
by poopsiecakes 61 Replies latest social entertainment
breakfast of champions
I actually quite liked the 3rd one, if only for the scenes Ian McDiarmid is in. He just chews up the screen, in my opinion...
Same here. Only one of the three I purchased. McDiarmid makes the film (actually he does a great job in all three).
CANTLEAVE - that's great stuff!
Have any of you Star Wars fans seen the 1958 movie The Hidden Fortress?
This japanese, subtitled B&W movie is said to have been the inspiration for Lucas' Star wars. I had it on one night during an insomnia episode thinking it would put me to sleep. Instead, I ended up sitting straight up, really into the movie. The comedy suprised me.
You should check it out. I saw the paralells in it before reading up on it.
I've never seen that one, nonjwspouse but I'll keep an eye out for it. Thanks!
Its a great movie, as many of akiria's are :) lucas has freely admited the influance, btw. i liked 7 samurai even More....
I'm excited to see the new ones but not holding my breath. I'm glad Lucas isn't directing them but I wasn't sold on what Abrams did with Star Trek.
RotJ was great. The emperor far made up for the ewoks.
The prequels just sucked because Lucas got such a big head and no one could tell him his ideas sucked. Joseph Campbell influenced Lucas a lot with the originals and it really showed. In the new ones, there wasn't anything that meant anything. Tidbits like Vader making C-3PO was cool but irrelevant. Otherwise it was just "ok, I'm a sith and you're a jedi, lets get this mandatory light sabre duel over with." Good(horrible) comedy with that last Vader "NNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" though.
A lot of younger people I know always try and compare A New Hope with some newer movie(Serenity somehow always comes up). I tell them there is no comparison as SW was first. It was THE groundbreaker. My 10 year old self sitting in the theatre when it came out was blown away when in the first few seconds of the movie, saw the coolest space ship EVER! A few minutes later saw the coolest villian EVER! A few minutes later saw the coolest floating car EVER! a few minutes later saw the coolest sword EVER! A few minutes saw the coolest space ship EVER(yep, cooler than the one I just saw). It was EPIC! MAGIC!
Then in the prequels we get Jar-Jar Binks! Yeeeeaaaaaahhhh!
No movie, no matter how good, will ever replace or improve upon the original Star Wars. Even though the acting was terrible at times and the special effects look dated by today's standards, there was a sense of wonder and joy. In 1977, the movie was an underdog and considered a joke that was going to flop but audiences connected to it on an unprecedented scale. That's the combination that cannot be duplicated and what everyone wants back.
Yep, Mark Hamill was a horrible actor.
I've also said a lot that they so lucked into getting Harrison Ford. Those movies wouldn't be what they are today without him.
As far as special effects. There is a charm to seeing real models and real sets instead of just CGI created worlds.
Harrison Ford was never supposed to star in the film because he was too well known for what Lucas wanted to acheive. When he was helping out feeding lines to other actors who were auditioning, Lucas finally caved and realized that nobody else could play Han Solo. So yeah, REALLY lucky that Harrison didn't tell him to go stuff himself LOL.
George Lucas is definitely not an actor's director. He has no concept of how to pull out from somebody what he's trying to convey. Mark Hamill's acting improved greatly in Empire with Kershner at the helm. Same with Carrie Fisher.
I'm watching Episode IV right now! Wheeee!
I saw the Big Bang episode with Sheldon and James Earl Jones. It was hilarious, and did a 180 on us as we expected JEJ to diss Sheldon like everyone of the others have (Stan Lee, Leonard Nimoy, etc.), instead of hanging out with Sheldon the entire evening and talking endlessly about his experiences. Funny stuff. Like a good geek I will be at the first of the new trilogy. After that, we shall see.