I hate religion
by Heartofaboy 11 Replies latest jw friends
ME TOO!!! That article is just heart renching & sickening!
Witness My Fury
Me too.
What is wrong with those people?
adjusted knowledge
I read the hide of the animals will be sold but what about the meat? I remember in the Bible time the priest would be able to eat the meat sacraficed to the Jewish god. I wonder if it is the religious leaders who is promoting this custom is benefiting from the sale of the hides and whatever is done with the meat?
Makes me want to cry. Such a pointless waste.
$hit, that sickens me.
More than 250,000 animals are being lined up for slaughter as Nepal embarks on a two-day religious festival where buffalo, birds and goats are sacrificed to appease a Hindu goddess.
Effin petty, spoiled-ass brat "goddess". What kind of superbeing sits back and demands that thousands of terrified creatures be brutally slaughtered to "appease" her. Eff her. Show me a god who will try to stop suffering and do some real god and I'll serve him/her. I'm sick of sacrificing for supposed gods who do nothing but demand service and sacrifice and hide themselves.
It’s certainly quite disgusting on so many different levels. Aside from the obvious and cruel suffering of the animals, and aside from the needlessness and senselessness of it all, what also really gets me is: What about all the people who are STARVING in so many third-world countries, including their own! They’re just letting all those innumerable tons of meat rot, which really doesn’t do anybody any good, and is just apt to cause bacterial infections and diseases.
Oh, sure, maybe some pelts may be salvaged and sold at a good profit, and some of the horns or testicles may be chopped up and sold as aphrodisiacs in an ignorant attempt to make sure the willies of the rich folk will keep performing, but I don’t see anything about donating any meat to some of the multitudinous number of poor starving folks, in their own country and others, such as Africa. Nope. I guess this bitch goddess Gadhimai, the “goddess of power,” couldn’t give a shit about that.
One might wonder why, since this Gadhimai broad is supposedly the “goddess of power,” she doesn’t use some of that “power” to actually accomplish something useful and help people, instead of just further raping the country’s natural resources. I wonder if any of those folks in Nepal ever have a little light bulb go off in their head which would make them say, “Hmmm,” and actually think about what the point of that little destructive exercise is. Maybe they need to start waking up – just like we did at one point in our journey from the WTS.
Although, all that prolific animal sacrificing does remind me about all the same sort of thing which was apparently commanded by the so-called Almighty and All-wise Creator of the universe – the God of the Jews in the ancient Mosaic Law. At least some of the meat from those sacrifices practiced by the ancient Israelites was actually to be eaten, but it nevertheless still strikes me as being a rather needless and senseless destruction of their natural resources – especially for those tribes wandering in a rocky desert all those years, when you would think that their survival would necessitate wise practicality. Perhaps those ancient Jews weren’t quite so different from the modern folks in Nepal. Same sort of religious customs – just at a different time and under a different brand.
In acknowledgement of and due credit to the original poster’s thread title, “I hate religion,” I must say in all earnestness and honesty: Me too!
I say sacrifice HUMANS and leave the poor animals alone. If I could push a button and disappear every human on Earth I would do it in a second. The world was a lot better off before the human 'virus' came along. Sounds harsh but that's the way I feel.
“NAVYTOWN”: “ I say sacrifice HUMANS and leave the poor animals alone. ”
Actually, that is pricisely what the WTS has been doing ever since that disgusting and perverse blood transfusion policy they made up. All told, there were many thousands and thousands of men, women, and helpless CHILDREN who have ended up being sacrificed to that other mythological narcissist, Yahweh/Jehovah! They may not have been slaughtered by knives, but in the end, death is still death. As we’ve seen from the JWs, ignorance abounds, apparently even among the supposedly intelligent and civilized.