A documentary states that this cult leader, who claims to be Jesus, used to be "a Jehovah's Witness pastor". I guess they mean Elder. Does anybody from Australia recognize him?
Australian cult leader - A former Jehovah's Witness
by Hidden-Window 11 Replies latest jw friends
I'm wondering how long until the JWs build a compound (oh wait they have) but then require everyone to move there to truly give up their lives to it.
Very disturbing...
Im from Australia, and of a similar age bracket.
I have never heard of AJ miller amongst jws...
I wonder where he went to meetings?
Guess I should have been paying closer attention. Had it playing in the background and missed the JW connection. :(
Guess I should have been paying closer attention. Had it playing in the background and missed the JW connection. :(
At 5:30 minutes it says he "was a Jehovah's Witness Pastor..."
He's just a nut case that is using some learned religious teachings of being a Jehovah Witness to create a Jesus persona of himself.
He's lavishing in the attention and the money he's getting out of people and are going to continue sending to him. This video goes
into detail how he mentally seeps into people's minds and emotions to create individuals who become emotionally devoted toward
himself as their personal savior or true soul mate through divine and spiritual intervention as it were by superposing the suggestion
that he is Jesus Christ, reborn to save the world of all its troubles, unhappiness and so on .
There are thousands people who say they are Jesus Christ and many of them are in the care and attention inside mental institutes.Sounds like A J Miller's mother knows something about his son that he might not even know about himself.
I do agree though that people who get psychologically entangled with this guy are heading eventually to a detrimental emotional
deliberating let down , as soon as the realization hits in that he is a self delusional nutter. Searching for people who are willing to
reinforce his own self delusion or identify of being Jesus Christ and give him money for his own eventual supportive means.
Thanks Hidden-Window. How the heck did I miss that? I wonder if his parents were/are JWs.
Max Divergent
He was called John Miller when he was a JW. He was the School Overseer in Port Augusta in South Australia last time I met him which might be 20 years ago.
John had some personal issues which led to divorce and DF, as I recall. He was always a friendly, smart guy. He repaired computers and pin ball machines from memory. He was quite popular and friendly.
He doesn't look old enough to fit that description Max Divergent?
He only looks like he is in his mid 40's?
Max Divergent
I'm not sure how he is, but I'd say 50 to 55. Why does he look younger in the pics? Dunno. Maybe they're oldish photos? Or he's living well? Or being Jesus He just makes Himself look however He wants? But he's definitely the same John Miller. It would have been about 1994/96-ish that I last saw him.