Long story, short; Angelo was bad, he went to prison. Dan was bad, he went to prison too. Dan became a dub and studied with Angelo. Angelo became a dub. Dan is out, Angelo is up for parole in 2015. He might get out in time for the big A!!
Anyway, the CO says that he is privileged to read a letter about Angelo and Dan. It was long story, took up lot of minutes. Mystical manipulation at its finest. Now, this is what I am wondering. Have YOU heard the same story?? I smell an "Andre" experience. The CO said that Angelo's letter was written to HIM. He said this repeatedly. The flavor of the story was that Angelo sent the CO a letter and he was going to share it with us.
I would like to know if anyone else hears the SAME story. Are COs presenting a recycled story?? I would love to tell the wife that the CO lied to the circuit. Let me know if you have heard the same story. I may get a recording of our CA if the story is recycled. My intuition is telling me that the CO is lying, although I could be wrong.