Those of you stuck in with kids&question about spouse

by All for show 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • All for show
    All for show

    It is killing me now that I am awake, having kids in school and having to be JWs. Birthdays, Christmas, Thanksgiving, having to go home or be left out because their teachers know they are witnesses and/or have kids from the school in their class or grade. It's a small town so the other JWs in the hall know what's going on since their kids are in the same school. We are talking elementary age. I just want to get OUT and tell my kids it's okay do it all! Any of you in this situation, what do you do, grin and bare it? I feel so bad for my kids, because I know it's pointless.

    Im slowly Working on my husband. He says he won't do anything the FDS says that doesn't have scriptural merit (like go run for the hills or sell your belongings) and that we don't fit in Jw land because we do whats best for us. Miss meetings for work, sick kids, push higher ED, and allow our young kids in sports. He doesn't agree with how they make rules about trivial things, but says they have had to because men love laws and rules, not principle choices. We don't think birthdays are bad, or saying happy holiday, thanksgiving birthday etc, and he thinks witnesses are selfish and have social issues. He said he recently feels his frame of mind has become apathetic due to the truth and he hates it. He agrees they teach out of guilt and fear. He says there has to be some organization structure to accomplish the preaching work. Thus the society is needed. I have talked about molestaton-disfellowshipping issues but he is the type who needs something to personally effect him or our family So he can see the BS with his own eyes.

    I told him we don't agree with all they say so why do we go there? Then he says I've gone overboard and hate the society. He is open minded but thinks I am just going through 'growing ' pains or something.

  • wallsofjericho

    yup thats me

    you need to decide to be JW's or not. You can't have all the "worldly" stuff and be a JW, eventually you'll get busted. Kids can't keep secrets and shouldn't have too.

    Your kids will give away to the JW's that you are ok with birthdays or holidays etc.

    either decided to be JW's or not too. I am stuck in and i have had to decide to be JW's (for now) I know that sounds hypocritical but I beleive you have to be all in or all out, you can't send mixed messages

  • FadeToBlack

    You are so close to the rest of your life. Hang in there. If he needs an event to experience the dark side of the borg, find some recent teaching that he can't accept and ask him to present his ideas to the elder body. For example: new understanding of 'this generation' or the impossibilty of a global flood in 2370BCE. For me, the biggest issue was that I wasn't allowed to disagree with anything. That is not a search for 'truth'.

    You need to push him to 'man-up' for your children's sake.

  • Giordano

    There are a couple of things that can touch his family. The blood issue is one......... it is not a scriptural belief, the reasons the Society promotes it has more to do with their wanting the JW's to be different. Jesus never taught it nor do the most orthodox Jews avoid a blood transfusion.. has some of the best arguments against it.

    Throughout it's history the society has meddled with health of it's followers. Anti Vaccines, In the 1920's and 1930's. Anti transplants for about 12 years in the 1960's. Blood then and still today. No one has any idea how many needless deaths this has caused and still is...... Factions may be fine for some problems but trauma and a number of blood related issues call for transfusions. To enforce their man made rules they use coercion (shunning). In point of fact it's a deadly meddling in the health and welfare of believers and their children.

    Pedophiles are protected if they repent.............Elders will not tell the people in their KH that they how have a pedophile in their midst. The Society still requires that there be two witnesses to the crime........... the victim and/or two others. How many pedophiles allow a third party to witness what they are doing to a child?

    The two reasons above are reasons that go to one's conscience protecting one's family.

  • StarTrekAngel

    I would say you have a leg ahead of many. You should count youself blessed if your husband thinks that way. Based on what I read from others, many would wish they were in your situation. Your priority right now should be not to push him further in. Loosen up a bit. He is on the fence. Think about it, if he is on the fence and you try to pull him your way and he decides to let go of your hand. In such struggle, he is guaranteed to fall to the other side. Keep showing him the kind of unconditional love that the elders would want you to give him if he was abusing you (although I could safely asume he is not). Keep asking question. If he questions your questioning, tell him that just like JEsus mentioned, you have to be like a child. The WTBTS would like to present that as being gulligle and manageable. I say there is on trade of children that the WTBTS willingly ignores... children question everything!! so why should you not!

    The kids thing also bothered me a lot. More than the holidays, was the idea that they were being exposed to the doctrine without explanation. Then little by little I realized that I was understimating their IQ. Right now, if celebrations come up, I try to soften it by offering a better alternative. But I can see that the questions pop-up in their mind. Soon we will be taking a trip and will be spending about a month with a close relative who is not a JW and will be having a Christmas dinner, wether they like it or not. Family is ok with it. I am sure my relative will be having gifts for them. Nothing like such experience for them to see that there is nothing evil about Christmas. Wether they decide to celebreate it on their own or not, that is another story. I want the decision to be their own, not the GB.

  • DesirousOfChange

    I think you're in a better place than you may realize.

    It takes time. Back off of your hubby and let it takes its course. It sounds to me like he knows TTATT but there is a fear when one thinks about taking the plunge (and I dont refer to baptism).

    Good luck,


  • Apognophos

    He says he won't do anything the FDS says that doesn't have scriptural merit

    I told him we don't agree with all they say so why do we go there? Then he says I've gone overboard and hate the society.

    If he knows about the flaws in the blood doctrine and about the organ transplant ban that both have cost many Witnesses their lives needlessly, he doesn't have any reason to defend the Society. If he doesn't know about those things, why haven't you told him? Personally it just sounds like he doesn't want to leave his comfort zone.

  • goingthruthemotions

    WOW, i wish my wife was like your husband. You are in a good situation. If possible...........move to another location and start your lives over again.


  • Tenacious

    The foundation has been laid and it will just be a matter of time before he realizes and his eyes are opened completely.

    Ask him very pointed questions regarding the many fail teachings and if he will ask these to the elders to see their response.

  • FadeToBlack

    I agree with Apognophos. He is sitting on the fence. He needs some help to break out of that 'comfort zone'. The organ transplant issue might be a good topic to encourage him to investigate.

    I don't agree with the don't push it suggestions. Why make the children suffer for possibly several more years especially when he isn't even fully on-board? Maybe you should read the scripture JW's often refer to when they have to deal with fence sitters...

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