I'm looking for a way to disassociate myself, now I'm thinking to make a "public declaration" before a civil law notary (I'm in Chile), but I need some ideas about what to put in that declaration, I would like to look the "ks" book to cover all possible sides and make a solid declaration... Any experiences? My plan is to make that legal declaration that would say "I'm no longer consider myself a jehovah's witness nor want to be linked to any of the WT organizations or legal entities, and want all my personal records to be erased"... Any orientation will be helpful :)
How to disassociate? HELP
by Mandrake 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Just say NO. Stop attending. Play. Sleep in Saturday and Sunday. Take a vacation. Move. Don't answer the door. Let the phone ring. Enjoy life.
I'm no longer attending, I'm working to finish my 4th year of dentistry, have a nice girlfriend, but I don't want to be "inactive", I need that satisfaction of "hitting first" and made my point...
Honestly if you have still got family in your best bet is just to fade off into the distance. Just makes life so much more pleasant, and if you don't have to rock the boat then don't.
I agree with joe134cd....that's what I did about 7 years ago. Mouch of my family is still in....I don't want anything to interfere with my being able to have contact with my grandchildren. However, I have always thought I would take out a 'personal ad', or maybe place and 'announcement' in the largest local newspaper stating the why, and what and that I no longer want to be part of this deceptive organization. My hope would be that, when the word got out, many of my old JW friends might have seeds planted by my 'announcment'.
Disassociation &/or disfellowshipping is one of the JW rules.
Why would you even consider playing by their rules anymore?
Spite them! DO NOT play by their rules.
Sometimes a clean break is best for closure.
Someone with law background might help with the wording of such a document.
Joe's right - why make things worse for yourself? You need to drop all the urgency thinking and take things slower. What are you trying to prove by getting in first? You've got a life time to consider how to do things. Slow down, quieten your breathing - the world's not coming to an end.
Everyone has their reasons for what they want or need. There's nothing wrong with declaring your freedom to them. If you want a grander reception, film the reading of the letter in front of a Kingdom Hall, see if any local news will come- tell them it is a reaction to all those child abuse suits. If they don't come, finish reading your letter and fold it into an envelope and tape it to the door of the hall or slide it under the door, then post on youtube.
It doesn't matter what you do as long as you feel it was the right thing to do.
I like On the Way Out's idea. Swear to the document legally in front of the KH with the press attending. Good idea!