If suppose we meet a person in field service having swastika symbol in house. How to speake, which introduction helpfull to conversate, which bible verse can applicable. Please do the needful.
How Speak in Field service if swastika symbol placed in any house
by Joshua.r 10 Replies latest watchtower bible
you are talking about the Indian Hindu symbol, I suppose?
I would just ignore it unless they mention something about it. Just be pleasant and ask the usual questions about world events, etc. Allow them to do much of the talking. Everyone loves to be listened to. Act interested.
"Hello.... Oh I see you have a swastika there? I am very curious, are you a rascist or a spiritualist nutter?"
Go ahead, make his day. Jesus, our Lord was a Jew. Look at how loving Stephen was in witnessing to that Ethiopian eunuch! Read about Peter's problem with Gentiles and the vision God gave him and his continuing sense of false superiority when he tried to act like he was better than Gentile converts.
might as well go all out and mention Hitler's mixed ancestry.
then run
"-- I like to show you an amazing parallel between your beliefs and ours:
Do you believe a superior race will prevail, be long-lived right here on this planet?--yes? well, so do we: Rev. 21-- death will be no more--"
how long was it planned that you reach your leader's goals? in a 1000 year "Reich"(click heels) rule? that is our time-frame too see here--Rev. 20.
Will your opposers be exterminated? we are assured by our writers that it is going to happen to start our millenium too. Rev. 16
In the conquered, cleansed territories, do you plan to establish a rural, idyllic society? we jws too, Isaih 65. and look at this illustration--
we have so much in common, would you like to know more--- JW.Org-- bible study? Mein Krampf?*
* Krampf in german, "seizure, spasm, paralisis, jerking"
Pro logos, perfect!
If I choose to read a scripture, I would do if from the Christian Greek half.
Rub a Dub
On the return visit: "--and look at all our illustrations of Jesus, white, tall, almost like the offspring of "Lebensborn", the Norwegian - based "Uebermenschen" stud farms! and of course in our Christian Greek Scriptures is supported the Idea, that Jesus really came from the North, where the hated jews had been expatriated from in ~500 BC* and replaced by a possibly Aryan population, so we know for sure he was at least less then 50% Hebrew. Possibly just like your founder--
* we only know 607 bc with absolute certainty.
On the return visit: "--and look at all our illustrations of Jesus, white, tall, almost like the offspring of "Lebensborn", the Norwegian based "Uebermenschen" stud farms!
Prologos ...
Yes, and explain the recent discovery that Jesus last name was not Rabinowicz as previouly believed but actually was Frederiksen.
Rub a Dub