Apognophos , C14 is only one method of dating, and in many ways is limited since it can only be used with accuracy to around 50,000 and 60,000 years.
There are many other forms of dating, and these can be even more informative. The jackpot is when more than one method can be used, and they agree.
Sometimes, creationists focus heavily on C14, which is ironic, since C14 doesn't necessarily even address the bigger debate. It works on things that are much younger.
There is relative dating. In other words, simply taking evidence around objects that can tell which are older etc in relation to each other. And absolute dating, which gives an actual span on the age of the object.
I will just copy a list of absolute dating methods and hope the links come through.
- Radiocarbon dating - for dating organic materials
- Dendrochronology - for dating trees, and objects made from wood, but also very important for calibrating radiocarbon dates
- Thermoluminescence dating - for dating inorganic material including ceramics
- Optically stimulated luminescence or optical dating for archaeological applications
- Potassium–argon dating - for dating fossilized hominid remains
- Archaeomagnetic dating - Clay lined fire hearths take on a magnetic moment pointing to the North Pole each time they are fired and then cool. The position of the North Pole for the last time the fire hearth was used can be determined and compared to charts of known locations and dates [1]
- Lead Corrosion Dating. [2]
- Amino acid dating [3] [4] [5] [6]
- Obsidian hydration dating - a geochemical method of determining age in either absolute or relative terms of an artifact made of obsidian
- Rehydroxylation dating - for dating ceramic materials [7]
Dating is complex. Different situations require different methods, and each method has its limitations. It would be easy to find some weakness in one method in some situations, but when the process is taken as a whole, it serves us quite well.