Leave it in Jehovah's Hands - Your thoughts?

by berrygerry 40 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Theredeemer

    Exactly ADCMS!! I am an Atheist. While I was a Witness I was very depressed, low on funds, lost my house, my wife and so on.

    Now that I am an Atheist. I have a house, a beautiful wife, much better pay and Im starting Nursing School. The question is, Who do I thank?

    Instead of thanking a fictional being I thank myself, it took a lot of work and sacrifice to get the things I got!! I thank my wife and my friends who have have stood by my side and helped me along the way.

    That doesnt mean my life is not without sadness and problems. I wouldnt be human without these things. Learning to deal with the bad things without "leaving it in God's hands" make you so much stronger in the long run. You analyze negative outcomes and situations so much more and, more often than not, I figure out why that outcome came to be. Sometimes, however, you realize there was really nothing that you could've done since it was coincidence or things that happen in life, i.e. death.

  • DesirousOfChange

    eyeuse2badub: That thought [Wait on Jehovah] has long bothered me even though I have said it many times myself. I spent 20 years as an elder (off and on) but after the 1995 "generation" change, forced by the expiration date of the 80 year generation, I began to have very serious doubts, not just the normal jw doubts that all jw's have. I began to question just about everything and especially the many changes regarding 'blood fractions', more 'generation' changes, FDS is now the GB, etc. I was suffering from advanced cognitive dissonance and basically quit attending meetings and no FS at all.

    My 'drifting away' triggered a visit from a couple of brothers (friends of mine). After their usual "we miss you" and "what's wrong" stuff, I explained how I felt and the doubts I had. Of course, their reply was "Wait on Jehovah!" .

    I may not have been completely clear --

    We are not "waiting on Jehovah" at the Kingdom Hall or in FS. We're waiting on Jehovah while we work, play, travel, have fun, enjoy life. It's not quite the same idea of patiently "waiting" that they had in mind, but it's working for us.

    No more guilt, no more pressure to do more and more, no more money wasted on whatever the hell they did with all that money.

    The greatest revenge is living a happy & successful life!


  • Tenacious
    "@ Perry...it's so nice to know that god takes care of you while completely ignoring the other 8 billion+ people on this planet. Apparently your "profitable business" takes priority over starving children, genocides, and diseases. Or, is it that those starving children have not yet "made peace with god"?"

    The current suffering in many parts of the world brings into question Jehovah's Universal Sovereignty right to rule over his creation.

    Perry's success has nothing to do with Jehovah's inaction in many wicked and sad world affairs.

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  • bigmac

    "leave it in jehovahs hands "

    err--isnt that watchtower-ese for


  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    Perry's success has nothing to do with Jehovah's inaction in many wicked and sad world affairs.

    Perry doesn't know this. Break it to him gently. Learning that god is not his BFF will rock his world.

  • Vidiot

    "Sooner or later, God will take of things."

    To which I would respond...

    "By that logic, the beating the WTS is taking in the legal arena could easily be construed as 'God taking care of things'.

    After all, hasn't He put the secular authorities in their 'appointed positions'? Didn't he let their pagan neighbors put his "chosen nation" of Isreal in their place when they got out of line?"

  • Vidiot

    Shirley - "I wonder what a theist's explanation is when an atheist has all these things too???"

    Tactful theist: "God makes it rain upon the wicked and righteous alike..."

    Fundy theist: "Satan takes care of his own."

    (I have heard this said, word for word.)

  • Theredeemer

    My response to tactful theist: Make it rain beeatch!!

    Fundy theist: Well thank you Satan for giving me what god didnt!

  • DJS

    I am embarrased that I once believed the few million dubs on the planet would be spared while our loving god and his loving son brutally destroyed every other living person. I'm ashamed. How any ex-dubs can go from that to thinking that god and jesus will destroy everyone on the planet except for those who have made jesus their lord and savior escapes me. It would be tolerable if AbleBodiedMan, TEC, Givemejustalittlemoretime, Perry and the other hard core jesus loving theists would state how well they have done with jesus, how much jesus means to them, BUT leave open the possibility that other avenues including atheism are acceptable for those who don't believe in their jesus.

    They are no different than the Dark Lords and the Borg which we all loathe. It is hate speech; it deserves our strongest condemnation. Their mindset enables them to easily hate anyone else, e.g. gays, that doesn't fit into their model of salvation.

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